Friday, October 20, 2006

Saponaria Officinalis Hair Fall

the ACNA

Gardini's death and the story Acna. By Langa, came a challenge to the mafia boss Toto Riina? That evening at
Gorzegno ...

Gorzegno farmyard in a farmhouse in the evening, lit by dim lights.
Wales (yes, as the tragic protagonist of a day of fire and not by chance) the memories of Mario Bertola law on demonstrations against the farmers of Gorzegno Acna 50s. To listen, many of the figures made of the same stuff that made my blood boil Langhe Beppe Fenoglio, at the thought. Yes, there are those who must be satisfied with substitutes and descriptions, possibly staying in the city, but here is substance. There is also an important part of people who have changed the color to Bormida, no more than clotted blood, with a new war, no to bloody fortune like that of Johnny, but as defined by those who saw her outside. It is precisely this juxtaposition between the end of acne and the famous piece of the Bormida Fenoglio, after seven years, remained in the collective imagination. The journalist
Gorzegno Renzo Fontana, editor of the "Valley Bormida clean", was one of the protagonists of the battle against pollution caused by adult Cengio.
Near the end of the evening, dedicated to journalism and activist who has taken the form in the Valley Bormida, dedicated to the memory of Renzo Fontana, especially in its work on the enhancement of beauty of the Langhe, a few words from the film One Hundred Steps by Marco Tullio Giordana life and death of journalist Peppino Impastato, who had dared to challenge the mafia in his house and was killed by the same "beauty, this should be taught to the people. The beauty against greed, against the conspiracy of silence the beauty, the beauty against the resignation, the beauty against fear .... "
All this would remain in the memory of those present if, with yet another turning point in the story Acna Bormida-Valley, a few days later had not been disclosed news from Sicily, which are well worth a review and reflection on a new period, one of the most heated, its history, the between the years 1987 and 1993.

the center of the new truths that are emerging in the investigations on the Sicilian mafia is still Raul Gardini, owner of acne, which Patrick Fadden, rivolgendoglisi directly in one of the meetings of shareholders of Montedison, said: "I would be ashamed to be enormously rich and the owner of a factory as the Acna without solving the problem at its roots. "

Raul Gardini, the "peasant" is at the heart of course with the other shareholders and management of its group and then the story Enimont Tangentopoli, "alleged suicide" more angry at the time of Tangentopoli, shortly before presenting to the judges clean hands, perhaps for tell her the truth, and in the same day as the next president of the company owner acne, Gabriele Cagliari, who is also the author of cut and thrust of the movement of television starring Val Bormida, according to the revelations of the repentant Leonardo Messina Paolo Borsellino pm immediately after the Capaci massacre, it was linked to Totò Riina.

The news was first published on various organs of the press reports and current developments of the prosecutor's investigation of Caltanissetta, who reopened the investigation into the death of Raul Gardini. According to the hypothesis

investigative Calcestruzzi Spa, owned by the Ferruzzi family and Raul Gardini, actually was controlled by Toto Riina, the deaths of Gardini and Borsellino were linked: the Magistrate blew up 19 days after opening an investigation into revelations of repentance, and even death of the entrepreneur would be determined by the Cosa Nostra. The bomb in Milan in 1993, exploded in the aftermath of the funeral of Raul Gardini, was already closer to explode near the residence of the deceased.

Sergio Cusani tends to deny the existence of links, but revealed that Raul Gardini was troubled by ghosts from Sicily and wanted to get rid of these giving the Concretes.
early as 1988, well before the explosion of Tangentopoli, the movement knew that he would find against groups power overwhelming and not always in the sunshine, "We'll put you against the chemical industry, the union, the instrumental employment, Enimont, corruption ..." and thought that the affair had returned to explain all Enimont the perverse mechanisms that poisoned the story, but nobody thought to that corner of the world would come to challenge the hypothesized main ally of Cosa Nostra and its maximum leader, Totò Riina ...
Ilvo Barbiero

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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

view of the art. 5 of the Law of 24 February 1992, n. 225; view of the art. Legislative Decree 107 of 31 March 1998, No 112; accordance with the Decree-Law 7 September 2001, No 343, ratified conmodificazioni, November 9, 2001 by Law No 401; the Order of the President of the Council of Ministers of 18marzo 1999 concerning the declaration of a state of emergency nelterritorio common Cengio and Saliceto situazionedi with regard to socio-environmental crisis, as well as' the Decree of the President delConsiglio of Ministers of 14 January 2005 , with which the emergency and medesimostato 'was extended until December 31, 2006; Given the art. 8 of the Order of the Prime deiMinistri No 3555 2006; Since the complex of activity 'to put in inrelazione straordinarieta' in place of the emergency situation requires additional time to complete implementation of appropriate interventions to bring the factual situations in the context of ordinary skills, considered it necessary to have only a further extension to ensure completion of the initiatives gia'intraprese; Given the request on December 11, 2006 the President of the Liguria region, to the communication of 22 December 2006 the Chief of Cabinet delMinistero Environment and Protection of the territory considered that the event the present requirements are met in art. 5, paragraph 1, of the Law of 24 February 1992, n. 225; Given the decision of the Council of Ministers, nellariunione adopted on 27 December 2006;
Pursuant to art. 5, paragraph 1, of legge24 February 1992, no 225, for the reasons and the limitations of the areas referred to in derogatory premise, and 'extended until no later than December 31, 2007, the state of emergency in the territory of DELC OMMUNITY Cengio in the province of Savona on the situation of crisis socio-environmental. The Prefect of Genoa, Giuseppe Romano, and 'confirmed nell'incaricodi Commissioner Delegate of the President of the Council of Ministers. By subsequent order of the Prime Ministrisi 'provide' to regulate more activities' to be performed in the territory concerned. This decree will

' Ufficialedella published in the Italian Republic.
Rome, 27 December 2006 The Chairman: Prodi