Monday, December 21, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Malem Alarms In Edmonton
with Ottaviano Blitch,
Marco Martini,
Elisa Sensi
Elisa Sensi
and Caiani
Ross, produced by WHITEROSEprd., Effects of sepcial Sergio boots, music by Emanuele Frusa and GTO has been selected by the important portal, including Horror film 9 of 2009 more representative of the whole world, among which are also "Let the Right" by Tomas Alfredson, "Franklyn" Gerald McMorrow, "DIARY OF THE DEAD George A. Romero, to name a few. "IN THE MARKET" compete for the prize for best independent feature and also the prize for the best scene splatter. If you believe in this new Italian horror, rate them in the attached file you find on the site
and send it to If you have not seen the movie, you can at least watch the trailer here:
you soon!

and send it to If you have not seen the movie, you can at least watch the trailer here:
you soon!
Friday, December 11, 2009
preview of the film, along with the ticket were given a very particular gadget, a paper bag, like those in aircraft damage, with the words " if this film makes you sick to say that is a good movie -
to bring to the movie and use case in which required . There has been reported several times in the hall was heard to open bags, and that some viewers have come out of the room even during the most splatter, asking: "Excuse me, where's the bathroom?" This gives us hope.
to bring to the movie and use case in which required . There has been reported several times in the hall was heard to open bags, and that some viewers have come out of the room even during the most splatter, asking: "Excuse me, where's the bathroom?" This gives us hope.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Leapers Riflescopes Testings
Horrorplayer PRESENTS:

HP - Lorenzo Hello, can you tell me how you started your career in the film?
LL - Career is a great word ... But I will try to answer the same! I started to make his first works at age 11 with friends and taking the camera from my father. A bit 'for fun, that game became a job and a dream slowly becoming a reality. As a child I loved to be taken, but then I switched from front to back of the room. I really like to give a vision of what I feel. For me something has resume how to make others share in what I see and how I see it. What I do is a bit 'as my subjective for everyone. I hope my look through the viewfinder may be of interest and pleasure to others and that the cutting of the frame is nice. I can say that for me, the goal is a sort of extension of my eye. I went from a short video clip from a documentary film. The genres that I faced the most are the historical reconstruction of the dramatic as in my recent el'horror IN THE MARKET. I think subconsciously I have approached the film because in my being there was the desire to let me know and make known my thoughts. For me, this seventh art, cinema, and one that can tell me better and that so it gives me more chance to express myself, be it through poetry, literature, music, photography, theater, etc..
- Now we move on to your latest work. First of all, congratulations, you have dug out the dark FF won all the awards made available by the organizers. Really a great en plein. What about this?
LL - Yes, it was primarily a great honor to receive these awards and the second a great satisfaction and contentment for the work dedicated to IN THE MARKET. Take 5 of 5 prizes and earthworks, that's true! We have received the highest award dress, one for "Best Film" and also "Best Actor Mark Martini, "" Best Actress Elisa Sensi, Best Special Effects Sergio Boots "and" Special mention to Ottaviano Blitch interpretation. " Awards are very important to us, because data from a festival of horror, and then doubly areas, because in the Italian horror in the contest, IN THE MARKET was the best. Lorenzo Lombardi Awarded In Darkness Film Festival
HP - I am convinced that "In the Market" would be particularly appreciated abroad and then historically fate of Italian horror do better luck outside their homeland. Have you ever thought of presenting a few international events?
LL - Unfortunately this is Italy. The films of the Italians are a bit 'snubbed at home, especially if gender. I speak mainly by Major production and distribution. Why then if you take, the data in hand, the box office of foreign horror movies, it turns out that the movies are good. In my opinion a bit 'everywhere, but especially in Italy, a young school lacks innovation and renewal that script a bit' old cliché. No shortage of ideas, it lacks good writing. I'm not saying that IN THE MARKET is immune from this review, but if there is one thing that our film is being free and equal only to itself in the way of proposing and writing style. Yes, there are references to the style of Quentin Tarantino, but not all, the film follows that line. And then there's no reason to spit on Tarantino. If the least of our dialogues may seem "Quentin Tarantino", for me it's just a compliment.
LL - Returning more to the question, I also believe that IN THE MARKET I can find a welcome appreciation abroad. Our film, in the spirit with which it was made, is very similar to the good Italian splatter than once, that it went very well out of Italy. I have not seen yet, because more than 20 festivals in which the film was sent, will begin in 2010. We will see with hindsight. The film was sent to international events of 2009, including Rome, Venice and Turin. What has been the verdict? None, because they often do not even respond to tell you that the film has arrived, I figured if you have not been taken. Many of these events seek only the big names and never give space for young people and projects a little 'out of the ordinary, especially horror.
HP - When you have conceived "In The Market"? I understand that a project is well designed, that comes from afar.
LL - IN THE MARKET was founded more than four years ago, during the set of LIFE'S BUT, my old film. While shooting, we thought that we'd already done in the future. While making some opening scenes in a supermarket, we figured, why not make a film here? Later came the idea of \u200b\u200bassociating a quiet place at a scary thing. Make a horror where usually the mothers and children are spending. In literature, it would be an "oxymoron" (the combination of two words in strong contrast), film idea ... very special! Besides a location like that at night, offers many ideas for a horror movie: the slaughterhouse, the dark labyrinth of shelves, from cold, to groundwater. Two years ago, in December of 2007 we started to write the script and July of 2008 we shot the film.
HP - Unlike almost all entertaining films, including those mentioned in your trailer, I'd say you've studied a bit 'of criminology and, above all, of anthropology. I ask this because the steps where Blitch about "immortality" of the victims to be introjected into the bodies of consumers is a "stroke" worthy of someone who has devoted some attention to the issue. It is my feeling, or have done research in well-defined?
LL - Thank you for your question. Yes, we have studied and researched a lot to create the character of the serial killer played by Octavian Blitch. Especially on the Internet, now an invaluable source of research. We went back in time and we found many cases of cannibalism and cannibalism. We have carefully studied all cases of declared and most famous cannibal, since 1800, from Verzeni Haarmann, from Fish to Gein, Dahmer to be Chikatilo, by Sagawa to Meiwes. The latter in 2001 he ate his friend met in chat.
LL - Let's say that the character of Blitch, Adam "the Butcher", is a fierce cannibal with strong capacity of intellect, who likes to philosophize, to quote and talk. In doing so it strikes terror to their victims and smells like an animal does with its prey. It could say, with a bar that tastes!
HP - Do I get into the character of Blitch, including movements, there is also a little 'Hannibal the Cannibal "?
LL - A little 'I would say yes, especially in the way to expose themselves to what he says and how he says it. The entry into the psyche of those who philosophize in front of you it is a prerogative of Hannibal Lecter. Blitch has created a unique character, with impressive facial expressions. Adam "the Butcher" is an anthropologist who is the butcher. The apron stained with blood and lies close look for new types of cuts, meat increasingly valuable. It will find it!
HP - Let's director. I noticed a great taste for film gender, especially American, with a few shots, I believe, studied at the table. On all I've seen a lot of Quentin Tarantino, but also tributes to Dario Argento, Tobe Hooper film and road movie stars and stripes. It was in your intentions to make a movie quote?
LL - I'm glad you enjoyed some stylistic choices. The film has many citations, a little 'idea in the wake of Quentin Tarantino, which is to take and pay homage here and there to give life to new life and films of the past. I think the film can be attributed to certain styles and styles, but then has a life of its own and is unique. Hollywood cinema is my bread, this is due to my own age. Today the Italian cinema no longer has a strong identity and so I prefer the quality and style of some American films. I go often to the cinema and watch movie rentals. The quality in recent films, often, is found only in foreign films. In recent years, when it comes to horror, I also really enjoyed the exploits of English cinema, French and Nordic.
LL - In my film there are many shots inspired by Tarantino's foot fetish Nicole from the jeep, the boots made at the beginning of the film, which, in my view, disturbing more than one front. The last shot before the arrival of the jeep to market, is a tribute to John Carpenter's THE FOG and what camera movement that rotates 360 degrees, we just called "Carpenter." So today, when I find myself having to make a shot like that, I say to my operator: - You make me a "Carpenter"!
LL - IN THE MARKET The shots were studied before the shoot, because I got to know well the locations of the film before shooting. Special effects by Sergio boots, we made a real storyboard, drawn by Andrea Brizi to better understand how to achieve the effect, and from what angle would been included.
LL - IN THE MARKET There are also gifts, like you said to SUSPIRIA Dario Argento, in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Tobe Hooper, Eli Roth's HOSTEL in, in Thelma & Louise by Ridley Scott, DUEL Steven Spielberg and all the Tarantino film Reservoir Dogs to Death Proof.
LL - I can finally say that my intent was to make a film quotes and honor filmmakers who over the years I have appreciated.
HP - In the opening credits shows the message that the circumstances behind the script are inspired by real events that occurred and that the film contains strong images unsuitable for a certain type of audience. As is true and that, instead, have affected the choices made in the past by directors like Ruggero Deodato and Tobe Hooper?
LL - Well, you know that today, to sell a movie is not enough to simply trailer and poster, but you have to promote it on the internet and do a lot of good marketing. In our case, there are things true and credible, and Tobe Hooper, Ruggero Deodato, Daniel Myrick, Eduardo Sánchez, especially JJ Abrams, have proven this.
LL - IN THE MARKET is inspired by real events in Texas in 2005. In 2007, while surfing the internet and I documented the American dream and Route 66, I came across a "Missing Person Report "(Report Missing) of the police in Texas. There were three boys who had gone on a journey. I found myself better informed and news and articles about this fact. The three were named David G., Sarah H. and Nicole F. traveling in a jeep and direct in New Mexico. A few days after their departure, the jeep was found abandoned in front all'Adam's Market Inc. of Belen and the last witnesses to have seen them go into the supermarket, but nobody has ever seen come out. From that day they lost track of the trio.
HP - As the meetings took place with Sergio boots and Ottaviano Blitch?
LL - Sergio Boots I met at a festival, I introduced myself and talked with him about the project that was being prepared. He has been struck from the outset and was looking for an independent film where you can work safely and have fun in creating effects in a mainstream production would not have been able to do. Thus was born a beautiful friendship and an equally great success.
LL - Ottaviano Blitch, however, I met on the set of a short film, where he was leading and I was assistant director. With him it was all very fast. I told him about my film and I had in mind a very special character to offer him: a villain. The idea teased him a lot and not just the script ready, I sent it to him and he read it in no time and just as quickly confirmed his presence in the cast. The film In The Market with Lombardi Lorenzo Ottaviano Blitch and Sergio
HP Boots - I saw a very histrionic Blitch. His character was so even in the script or Blitch put some 'of his?
LL - Blitch's character was very well defined in script and in the profile that we created. Ottaviano enriched him with a lot of tics, movements of special breaks and histrionic gestures. Ottaviano live is a very nice and special. Rock has a soul that comes in everything he does. Together we talked about much of the character, which was to have the look and dialogues. We read her lines several times and calibrated to try to give a character more real and possible scratching.
HP - I mean, I think you will agree, that the actors have made interpretations are clearly above the average of independent products. How important to you, and what works on the interpretation of the actors?
LL - In stand-alone products is very often seen and heard in the dialect of interpretations, with very bad condition and with very little interpretation. I am very satisfied with the interpretation of actors IN THE MARKET. The cast of professionals I had doubts. I'm talking about Ottaviano Blitch (the Adam Butcher), Gloria Coco (Fortuneteller), Massimiliano Vado (robber "Bush"), Claudio Bellanti (robber "Minnie"), Alessandra Maravia (housekeeper). the actor and actresses elisa marco martini ross Caiani senses and with director Lorenzo Lombardi
LL - For 4 players emerging Marco Martini (David), Elisa Sensi (Nicole), Scarlett Caiani (Sarah) and Eleanor Stagi (Girl sugar), we have worked for more than a month on the evidence of the lines and movements on stage. Their work has been enriched by a dialogue coach who followed them before and during the shot and with a diction coach who followed them before the tests. I assigned to these two professional coaches, just because the boys were 4 players with experience but with a few years behind the cinema or theater. In Italy the figures of the coach are almost never used, but I think it is very important, especially in a set low-budget like ours, where the director has many responsibilities on the shoulders and the scene has to think and solve an impressive body of unknowns and problems.
LL - In Italy, once you cut the head to the bull instead of to play a boy of 20 years, it takes one of 28/30 and you do the high school. This is something that I do not like at all. By doing so you do not even give the opportunity for young actors to work and risk to laugh when Nicolas Vaporidis Capotondi are Christian or examinations for the umpteenth time.
LL - Finally, speaking of my work, after giving my posts on the movements on stage and how to do it, I like to leave players free to interpret the characters and only then, maybe, correct me if I deviate too from the imagination that I had in mind.
HP - What can you tell us about the varied soundtrack. I think you did well to compose songs calibrated to recreate the atmosphere of '70s road movie, right?
LL - The soundtrack is a highlight of the film, is very diverse and mixed well. The film can be divided into two major macro sequence: the road side and part horror. For the road I chose the GTO 3 cd of the band's songs to accompany the journey of the boys and I did just make the vibes that were missing, including the title track "in the market" (sung in English), for the scene of the raid in the supermarket. They have a folk sound, but at the same time with a very international breath and "Hispanic." In some sound, very reminiscent of the films of Sergio Leone with music by Ennio Morricone.
LL - For the horror part Frusa Emanuele I chose a young and talented composer, which has no cut "to Simon," that is very electronic. I liked to style the film compositions with the American Hans Zimmer or John Williams. I left a white paper Frusa who orchestrated the music, giving, in most parts of the movie, very strong emotions, like the scene in the underground parking of the market.
HP - Now, correct me if I'm wrong, the film does not have a distribution. What are the chances to see it in theaters Italian?
LL - Currently, the film does not have an actual deployment, but was screened in four cities: Ancona, Potenza, Perugia and Foggia. In Perugia, 28 November 2009 was made a preview of the film with a big audience and in the evening, the film has stood up to American movies and much advertised as NEW MOON, 2012, DORIAN GRAY, THE HARD TRUTH '. It went much better than the Italians Thank goodness you're there or the first line.
LL - It was a great achievement to be screened, even if only for three days, in a multiplex and a dream come true to have the rooms filled. Thanks to this excellent result, the film is having a wider distribution of the proposals and if successful will see it in larger scale by the new year. For the moment, fingers crossed.
HP - You're already thinking about some future project, and if so, do you think riproporti with horror?
LL - Yes, with my creative team WHITEROSEprd. I'm already thinking about future projects, I speak in the plural, because I have some ideas in mind, but still I have no one in particular. What I've always done as of now is to choose projects which would be satisfactory for the public, that intrigue and, above all, having an independent production, which have a very interesting realization in terms of production. Unfortunately I can not make films with UFO's, helicopters and explosions, so I have a bit 'limited imagination! On one side is a bit 'frustrating part is very exciting.
LL - By this I mean that I have no particular genre with whom I ripropormi. Certainly the horror is something that contains a bit 'all I have above. It is innovative, productive interesting, curious and wonder, of course if done right. So do not rule out a return to horror, and as with anything that has to do with the supernatural.
HP - Thanks Lorenzo. Me and the staff appreciate your willingness provided and we wish you a future film full of satisfaction.

HP - I am convinced that "In the Market" would be particularly appreciated abroad and then historically fate of Italian horror do better luck outside their homeland. Have you ever thought of presenting a few international events?
LL - Unfortunately this is Italy. The films of the Italians are a bit 'snubbed at home, especially if gender. I speak mainly by Major production and distribution. Why then if you take, the data in hand, the box office of foreign horror movies, it turns out that the movies are good. In my opinion a bit 'everywhere, but especially in Italy, a young school lacks innovation and renewal that script a bit' old cliché. No shortage of ideas, it lacks good writing. I'm not saying that IN THE MARKET is immune from this review, but if there is one thing that our film is being free and equal only to itself in the way of proposing and writing style. Yes, there are references to the style of Quentin Tarantino, but not all, the film follows that line. And then there's no reason to spit on Tarantino. If the least of our dialogues may seem "Quentin Tarantino", for me it's just a compliment.
LL - Returning more to the question, I also believe that IN THE MARKET I can find a welcome appreciation abroad. Our film, in the spirit with which it was made, is very similar to the good Italian splatter than once, that it went very well out of Italy. I have not seen yet, because more than 20 festivals in which the film was sent, will begin in 2010. We will see with hindsight. The film was sent to international events of 2009, including Rome, Venice and Turin. What has been the verdict? None, because they often do not even respond to tell you that the film has arrived, I figured if you have not been taken. Many of these events seek only the big names and never give space for young people and projects a little 'out of the ordinary, especially horror.
HP - When you have conceived "In The Market"? I understand that a project is well designed, that comes from afar.
LL - IN THE MARKET was founded more than four years ago, during the set of LIFE'S BUT, my old film. While shooting, we thought that we'd already done in the future. While making some opening scenes in a supermarket, we figured, why not make a film here? Later came the idea of \u200b\u200bassociating a quiet place at a scary thing. Make a horror where usually the mothers and children are spending. In literature, it would be an "oxymoron" (the combination of two words in strong contrast), film idea ... very special! Besides a location like that at night, offers many ideas for a horror movie: the slaughterhouse, the dark labyrinth of shelves, from cold, to groundwater. Two years ago, in December of 2007 we started to write the script and July of 2008 we shot the film.
HP - Unlike almost all entertaining films, including those mentioned in your trailer, I'd say you've studied a bit 'of criminology and, above all, of anthropology. I ask this because the steps where Blitch about "immortality" of the victims to be introjected into the bodies of consumers is a "stroke" worthy of someone who has devoted some attention to the issue. It is my feeling, or have done research in well-defined?
LL - Thank you for your question. Yes, we have studied and researched a lot to create the character of the serial killer played by Octavian Blitch. Especially on the Internet, now an invaluable source of research. We went back in time and we found many cases of cannibalism and cannibalism. We have carefully studied all cases of declared and most famous cannibal, since 1800, from Verzeni Haarmann, from Fish to Gein, Dahmer to be Chikatilo, by Sagawa to Meiwes. The latter in 2001 he ate his friend met in chat.
LL - Let's say that the character of Blitch, Adam "the Butcher", is a fierce cannibal with strong capacity of intellect, who likes to philosophize, to quote and talk. In doing so it strikes terror to their victims and smells like an animal does with its prey. It could say, with a bar that tastes!
HP - Do I get into the character of Blitch, including movements, there is also a little 'Hannibal the Cannibal "?
LL - A little 'I would say yes, especially in the way to expose themselves to what he says and how he says it. The entry into the psyche of those who philosophize in front of you it is a prerogative of Hannibal Lecter. Blitch has created a unique character, with impressive facial expressions. Adam "the Butcher" is an anthropologist who is the butcher. The apron stained with blood and lies close look for new types of cuts, meat increasingly valuable. It will find it!
HP - Let's director. I noticed a great taste for film gender, especially American, with a few shots, I believe, studied at the table. On all I've seen a lot of Quentin Tarantino, but also tributes to Dario Argento, Tobe Hooper film and road movie stars and stripes. It was in your intentions to make a movie quote?
LL - I'm glad you enjoyed some stylistic choices. The film has many citations, a little 'idea in the wake of Quentin Tarantino, which is to take and pay homage here and there to give life to new life and films of the past. I think the film can be attributed to certain styles and styles, but then has a life of its own and is unique. Hollywood cinema is my bread, this is due to my own age. Today the Italian cinema no longer has a strong identity and so I prefer the quality and style of some American films. I go often to the cinema and watch movie rentals. The quality in recent films, often, is found only in foreign films. In recent years, when it comes to horror, I also really enjoyed the exploits of English cinema, French and Nordic.
LL - In my film there are many shots inspired by Tarantino's foot fetish Nicole from the jeep, the boots made at the beginning of the film, which, in my view, disturbing more than one front. The last shot before the arrival of the jeep to market, is a tribute to John Carpenter's THE FOG and what camera movement that rotates 360 degrees, we just called "Carpenter." So today, when I find myself having to make a shot like that, I say to my operator: - You make me a "Carpenter"!
LL - IN THE MARKET The shots were studied before the shoot, because I got to know well the locations of the film before shooting. Special effects by Sergio boots, we made a real storyboard, drawn by Andrea Brizi to better understand how to achieve the effect, and from what angle would been included.
LL - IN THE MARKET There are also gifts, like you said to SUSPIRIA Dario Argento, in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Tobe Hooper, Eli Roth's HOSTEL in, in Thelma & Louise by Ridley Scott, DUEL Steven Spielberg and all the Tarantino film Reservoir Dogs to Death Proof.
LL - I can finally say that my intent was to make a film quotes and honor filmmakers who over the years I have appreciated.
HP - In the opening credits shows the message that the circumstances behind the script are inspired by real events that occurred and that the film contains strong images unsuitable for a certain type of audience. As is true and that, instead, have affected the choices made in the past by directors like Ruggero Deodato and Tobe Hooper?
LL - Well, you know that today, to sell a movie is not enough to simply trailer and poster, but you have to promote it on the internet and do a lot of good marketing. In our case, there are things true and credible, and Tobe Hooper, Ruggero Deodato, Daniel Myrick, Eduardo Sánchez, especially JJ Abrams, have proven this.
LL - IN THE MARKET is inspired by real events in Texas in 2005. In 2007, while surfing the internet and I documented the American dream and Route 66, I came across a "Missing Person Report "(Report Missing) of the police in Texas. There were three boys who had gone on a journey. I found myself better informed and news and articles about this fact. The three were named David G., Sarah H. and Nicole F. traveling in a jeep and direct in New Mexico. A few days after their departure, the jeep was found abandoned in front all'Adam's Market Inc. of Belen and the last witnesses to have seen them go into the supermarket, but nobody has ever seen come out. From that day they lost track of the trio.
HP - As the meetings took place with Sergio boots and Ottaviano Blitch?
LL - Sergio Boots I met at a festival, I introduced myself and talked with him about the project that was being prepared. He has been struck from the outset and was looking for an independent film where you can work safely and have fun in creating effects in a mainstream production would not have been able to do. Thus was born a beautiful friendship and an equally great success.
LL - Ottaviano Blitch, however, I met on the set of a short film, where he was leading and I was assistant director. With him it was all very fast. I told him about my film and I had in mind a very special character to offer him: a villain. The idea teased him a lot and not just the script ready, I sent it to him and he read it in no time and just as quickly confirmed his presence in the cast. The film In The Market with Lombardi Lorenzo Ottaviano Blitch and Sergio
HP Boots - I saw a very histrionic Blitch. His character was so even in the script or Blitch put some 'of his?
LL - Blitch's character was very well defined in script and in the profile that we created. Ottaviano enriched him with a lot of tics, movements of special breaks and histrionic gestures. Ottaviano live is a very nice and special. Rock has a soul that comes in everything he does. Together we talked about much of the character, which was to have the look and dialogues. We read her lines several times and calibrated to try to give a character more real and possible scratching.
HP - I mean, I think you will agree, that the actors have made interpretations are clearly above the average of independent products. How important to you, and what works on the interpretation of the actors?
LL - In stand-alone products is very often seen and heard in the dialect of interpretations, with very bad condition and with very little interpretation. I am very satisfied with the interpretation of actors IN THE MARKET. The cast of professionals I had doubts. I'm talking about Ottaviano Blitch (the Adam Butcher), Gloria Coco (Fortuneteller), Massimiliano Vado (robber "Bush"), Claudio Bellanti (robber "Minnie"), Alessandra Maravia (housekeeper). the actor and actresses elisa marco martini ross Caiani senses and with director Lorenzo Lombardi
LL - For 4 players emerging Marco Martini (David), Elisa Sensi (Nicole), Scarlett Caiani (Sarah) and Eleanor Stagi (Girl sugar), we have worked for more than a month on the evidence of the lines and movements on stage. Their work has been enriched by a dialogue coach who followed them before and during the shot and with a diction coach who followed them before the tests. I assigned to these two professional coaches, just because the boys were 4 players with experience but with a few years behind the cinema or theater. In Italy the figures of the coach are almost never used, but I think it is very important, especially in a set low-budget like ours, where the director has many responsibilities on the shoulders and the scene has to think and solve an impressive body of unknowns and problems.
LL - In Italy, once you cut the head to the bull instead of to play a boy of 20 years, it takes one of 28/30 and you do the high school. This is something that I do not like at all. By doing so you do not even give the opportunity for young actors to work and risk to laugh when Nicolas Vaporidis Capotondi are Christian or examinations for the umpteenth time.
LL - Finally, speaking of my work, after giving my posts on the movements on stage and how to do it, I like to leave players free to interpret the characters and only then, maybe, correct me if I deviate too from the imagination that I had in mind.
HP - What can you tell us about the varied soundtrack. I think you did well to compose songs calibrated to recreate the atmosphere of '70s road movie, right?
LL - The soundtrack is a highlight of the film, is very diverse and mixed well. The film can be divided into two major macro sequence: the road side and part horror. For the road I chose the GTO 3 cd of the band's songs to accompany the journey of the boys and I did just make the vibes that were missing, including the title track "in the market" (sung in English), for the scene of the raid in the supermarket. They have a folk sound, but at the same time with a very international breath and "Hispanic." In some sound, very reminiscent of the films of Sergio Leone with music by Ennio Morricone.
LL - For the horror part Frusa Emanuele I chose a young and talented composer, which has no cut "to Simon," that is very electronic. I liked to style the film compositions with the American Hans Zimmer or John Williams. I left a white paper Frusa who orchestrated the music, giving, in most parts of the movie, very strong emotions, like the scene in the underground parking of the market.
HP - Now, correct me if I'm wrong, the film does not have a distribution. What are the chances to see it in theaters Italian?
LL - Currently, the film does not have an actual deployment, but was screened in four cities: Ancona, Potenza, Perugia and Foggia. In Perugia, 28 November 2009 was made a preview of the film with a big audience and in the evening, the film has stood up to American movies and much advertised as NEW MOON, 2012, DORIAN GRAY, THE HARD TRUTH '. It went much better than the Italians Thank goodness you're there or the first line.
LL - It was a great achievement to be screened, even if only for three days, in a multiplex and a dream come true to have the rooms filled. Thanks to this excellent result, the film is having a wider distribution of the proposals and if successful will see it in larger scale by the new year. For the moment, fingers crossed.
HP - You're already thinking about some future project, and if so, do you think riproporti with horror?
LL - Yes, with my creative team WHITEROSEprd. I'm already thinking about future projects, I speak in the plural, because I have some ideas in mind, but still I have no one in particular. What I've always done as of now is to choose projects which would be satisfactory for the public, that intrigue and, above all, having an independent production, which have a very interesting realization in terms of production. Unfortunately I can not make films with UFO's, helicopters and explosions, so I have a bit 'limited imagination! On one side is a bit 'frustrating part is very exciting.
LL - By this I mean that I have no particular genre with whom I ripropormi. Certainly the horror is something that contains a bit 'all I have above. It is innovative, productive interesting, curious and wonder, of course if done right. So do not rule out a return to horror, and as with anything that has to do with the supernatural.
HP - Thanks Lorenzo. Me and the staff appreciate your willingness provided and we wish you a future film full of satisfaction.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Kharghar Property Rates Latest
During the programming of the IN THE MARKET Multiplex Giometti Cinema of Perugia have been exposed a few props, including where the seat "likely" to immobilize David, with some tools used by Adam "the Butcher" to torture his victims. But the thing that impressed the most was that of the plate and fork used by Adam for his cannibalistic banquets, in a display case inside the remains of meat and "human".
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Pokemon Battle Revulution Rom
Success for the film "IN THE MARKET"
the young director and his cast Lorenzo Lombardi 
14 , and ranked as the Italian answer to films like "Hostel" and "Saw" - Consists of a cast of young actors, almost all born and raised in the upper valley of the Tiber between Sansepolcro and Città di Castello Sangiustino, but the film also boasts collaborations like Sergio Boots - known collaborator Dario Argento - and that Ottaviano Blitch - Virgin radio and speakers have already seen in "Italians" by Veronesi. But for the most part are so many faces, not at all common, as the young characters by Marco Martini (biturgense) Elisa Sensi Scarlett Caiani. "In the market" tells the story of three friends (Sarah, David and Nicole) that the desire to enjoy the coveted vacation after the end of the college leads to a journey without a destination, with the sole anchor of
0 14
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Article "The Nation" - culture and entertainment of 11/26/2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Inside Intercours Image
BY MULTIPLEX November 27 Giometti PERUGIA WORLD PREMIERE Saturday, November 28

Cast: Ottaviano Blitch, Marco Martini, Elisa Sensi, Scarlett Caiani, Massimiliano Vado, Claudio BeDallanti, Gloria Coco, Eleonora Stagi, Alessandra Maravia and Silvano Granci.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Director Lorenzo Lombardi guest at the program Coming Soon" We are united. " The term "IN THE MARKET" Italian horror film, produced by WHITEROSEPrd.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Blue Waffle Idisease Images
Montecatini .... Edison ... Novamont .... etcetc.
Sources: Montecatini
Montedison and Edison was born in 1966 from the merger of Montecatini and Edison, Montecatini was founded in 1888 in Montecatini Val di Cecina (PI) for the exploitation of local copper mines ; in the '10s came in the chemical sector and 900 in the following decades became by getting patents and acquisitions, the largest Italian chemical company, almost a monopoly in certain products such as sulfuric acid, fertilizers, dyes (through ACNA subsidiary) in 1936, in collaboration with AGIP, constituted the 'Anic (Hydrogenation National Fuel Company) with the aim of producing synthetic gasoline, and that would be the first Italian center of the petrochemical industry. The Edison was born in Milan in 1895 and was one of the first companies to use that energy in Italy was the base of the hydroelectric first Italian industrialization, building dams along the Alps, especially in Lombardy, and already at the beginning of the '900 Edison was one of the dominant industrial groups in Italy, breaking the control of the electricity market in Northern Italy with the SIP, which is concentrated in Piedmont and Liguria, and EDIS, strong in the North East
The war and the early melting
immediately after the war in Italy was expected as the nationalization electricity industry, which had been in the hands of private companies such as Edison itself, the prospect of being subjected to an expropriation of its assets led the power companies to diversify: the Edison chose to invest primarily in the petrochemical industry, attracted also by the incentives granted by the State . In the 50s so the interests of Edison collided with those of Montecatini, in financial difficulties for the large investments required by the construction of petrochemical complex in Brindisi, but the forefront of research into new materials (isotactic polypropylene), thanks to 'industrialization of patents arising from research chemist Giulio Natta, Nobel prize in 1962. In 1962, with the costitiuzione Enel, the electricity industry nationalization did take place, private companies had to deliver their babies in public power plants, receiving in exchange for substantial indennizzi.La same Montecatini in 1963 acquired the former company Electric EDIS, with the sole purpose of appropriating the amount of compensation, but the financial difficulties of Montecatini find solutions only in 1966 with the merger with Edison, too strong of compensation received by the state following the nationalization, the merger was designed by Mediobanca who entrusted the leadership of Montedison managers of the "old" Edison. In 1968, again under the supervision of Mediobanca, Sogame the (financial jointly controlled ENI-IRI) raked in a block of shares held 15-20% of the capital, sufficient to ensure the status of shareholder.
The Seventies In 1971 Eugenio Cefis, former president of ENI, was appointed chairman of Montedison, a position he held until 1977, the press of the Montedison seen more as a tool to achieve Cefis not better laid political plans (also on a coup) rather than as an affiliated with ENI, which held the controlling stake jointly to IRI. The suspicion was corroborated by the acquisition of the newspaper Il Messaggero Cefis and aims of the Corriere della Sera daily newspapers should have been used to increase the political weight of Cefis and its political reference Amintore Fanfani. Apart from that, in the 70 Montedison slipped a long series of budgets in red, just tempered by financial income sought precisely in order to "beautify" the results weakened by the poor performance of industrial management. Despite the presence in the capital of ENI, Montedison it was in fact a self-acting oil with the agency as a competitor, entering it on a collision course especially for the allocation of substantial public support in those years were paid in respect of capital expenditures in the South. Montedison, IRI was able to give some food companies (such as Pai and Pavesi) purchased by Edison in the previous decade, while taking advantage of the creation dell'EGAM to give him the unprofitable mining operations inherited from Montecatini.
The Eighties In 1981 occurred the "re-privatization" of Montedison: under the direction of a consortium groups Mediobanca Agnelli, Pirelli, Bonomi and Orlando acquired the controlling stake in the hands of the public. Thanks to a favorable accounts of Montedison went better, and the president Mario Schimberni it benefits by pursuing a policy of independence from major shareholders, making operations such as the acquisition of the insurance company Fondiaria, against the advice of Mediobanca. For this emerged gradually dall'azionariato major shareholders, while groups entered the "emerging" as the group Varasi (paints), the Ingham (clothing), the Maltauro (construction) and the Ferruzzi group (food), the latter, led by Raul Gardini, came to assume a dominant position gradually through purchases on the Stock Exchange in 1987 and held more than 40% of the capital, becoming a member of the command. The business plan of the Ferruzzi group, active mainly in sugar, cereals and oilseeds, has not yet entirely clear: some say the purchase of chemical giant was due simply to the "megalomania" of the charismatic Gardini, while according to others the Ferruzzi had begun to realize the potential of "green chemistry" (eg in bio-materials or bio-energy), glimpsed possible synergies with their own activities with those nell'agroalimentare dell'Agrimont, the subsidiary that was in charge of agricultural inputs.
The birth of Enimont
In 1988, ENI and Montedison Enimont gave the joint venture (40% ENI, Montedison 40%, 20% floating) its chemical activities: Thus was the covenant between public chemical and private chemical that many hoped for years. The life of Enimont was short and turbulent in 1990 Gardini seemed to aim for an absolute majority of the capital, but in 1991 he yielded all the chemical activities ENI, receiving in return an estimated price later as exorbitant and probably inflated by the tangents paid to political parties.
The Nineties
With the almost total output from the chemicals sector and the reorganization of the Ferruzzi group, Montedison had become a mere holding company that controlled (through a system of "boxes" complicated corporate) companies like Eridania Beghin Say (sugar), Fondiaria (insurance) the Cereol (oilseeds) and Carapelli (olive oil) and the "new" Edison, the parent company for the activities in the energy re-established in 1991 to exploit the opportunities envisaged by the emerging trends towards the liberalization of energy markets. In 1993 Montedison was with unsustainable levels of debt that forced him to relinquish control of the Ferruzzi group of creditor banks, led by the "usual" Mediobanca. The decade was marked by corporate restructuring and the sale and reorganization aimed at reducing debt.
The EDF takeover of Montedison and the end of
Once again, the shareholders 'control' Montedison had no power to protect society from climbers bag. In the spring of 2001 were the French financier Romain Zaleski and the entity electric rake Montedison shares in EDF, EDF came to own approximately 30% of the capital, but the Italian Government opposed the takeover of the French giant, under the pretext of the lack "reciprocity" for Italian companies to scale the French energy companies. In effect, what they were interested in EDF power plants and gas import quotas for the Edison, the prospect of liberalization of the Italian energy market. The stalemate that was created was solved with the establishment of the holding company Italenergia, owned by Fiat, EDF and Zaleski and who controlled most of the Montedison, which in 2002 changed its name to Edison and sold all shares inherited from the former Montedison, becoming in effect an energy group.
activities ex-Montedison
From Enimont each other and with the continuing financial crisis of the Ferruzzi group, Montedison sold many activities, each of which followed different fates, in the twenty-first century there are still some companies that bring in the name their previous membership in the Montedison Group:
Edison disappeared after the merger in 1966, the name was revived in the early '90s as a subsidiary of Montedison for energy activities, and replaced the SELM, after absorbing the electrical activity in the Falck group, in 2001 had become the most important asset of the group and that was what actually was intended when EDF climbed Montedison. He inherited from the "old" Edison of the historical site Foro Buonaparte, Milan.
Tecnimont: working in the field of civil and industrial use in 2005 was sold by Edison Group to Maire Engineering (former Fiat Engineering), giving rise to Maire Tecnimont.
Novamont: based in Novara, is a company specialized in the production of bioplastics made from corn, which received international acclaim for its production of biodegradable materials [1].
Montefibre: name of the former Montedison group active in the production of technical fiber; given to Enimont EniChem subsequently passed in 1997 the property was taken over by the textile group Orlandi. The company still bears the old name and is listed on the Stock Exchange.
Other activities were instead sold and then consumed by other industrial groups, hence the change of name. Most of the chemical activities "traditional" EniChem actually passed in 1991, after the story Enimont, but not so technologically more advanced activities, such as those grouped in Ausimont and Himont, who remained "in the belly" to Montedison until 2002, when the company completed the process of refocusing on energy:
Agrimont (formerly Fertimont): the company of products for agriculture in 1991 was awarded to EniChem, which in turn will give the activities the subsidiary EniChem Agriculture:
-branch pesticides (insecticides, herbicides, fungicides) was sold in 1992 to a newly formed company, the Isagro still active and listed on the Stock Exchange;
-branch fertilizer was sold to Norsk Hydro in 1996 ;
Montedipe and Montepolimeri: these companies specialized in the production of basic chemicals and plastics passed in 1991 EniChem, which remained part of the business (now headed by Syndial and Polimeri Europa) and dismise but others (like the Vinavil, continued by the group Mapei).
Ausimont: specializes in fluorine chemistry and engineering plastics, was controlled by the Montedison group until 2002, when it was released and absorbed by the chemical group Solvay.
Himont: joint-venture between Montedison and the American Hercules, the company that produced polypropylene, was considered one of the "jewels" of the technology group, which in fact did not want to conferila Enimont at the time of its establishment, the successor to Hercules Shell (hence the name Montell), Montedison sold it completely in 1997. Later, after the entry of BASF in 2000 became Basell). In 2005, both BASF and Shell sold the company to a consortium of companies, including Access Industries and Chatterjee Group for approximately € 4.4 billion [2]. Currently (December 2007), after yet another merger (this time with the American Lyondell) has acquired the name of LyondellBasell.
Farmitalia: even the pharmaceutical hub in the business of Montedison entered Enimont, but it was sold a few years later at Pharmacia (now Pfizer), Montedison cherished but the business named Antibioticos, specializing in the synthesis of active antibiotics, which was sold the Fidia Farmaceutici in 2003. Individual plants
specialize in niche products have been absorbed by chemical companies emerging as one of Pallanza (formerly Montefibre), which still produces PET and was recognized in 1989 by the group Mossi & Ghisolfi, or that of Novara (formerly Montedipe), which mainly produces fibers polyamides and went instead to the Radici Group.
Areas former Montedison
L 'adventure' industrial Montedison did not, however, left alone business, but also many plants that were closed or greatly scaled down, creating areas of "ex-Montedison" in all of Italy: Milan
: the area situated in the district of Rogoredo, where until 1970 he produced Rogor the insecticide, is undergoing redevelopment as a residential area (Santa Giulia project-Montecity), another ex-Montedison area is located near the Simplon Pass, where he planned to build a skyscraper with 24 floors. The wide skyscraper that housed the headquarters of Donegani Montecatini is now home to the station Radio 105 and Radio Monte Carlo [3].
Pescara Porto Recanati
Crotone Porto Empedocles
In each of these sites resulted in termination of employment difficulties for the people and the complex search for new ways to use the huge brownfield sites, which require including remediation of pollution from industries.
History logo
There are several versions about the origin of the logo that identified the Montedison and its subsidiaries:
the site of Edison ([2]) reports that it was specifically designed by U.S. firm Landor in 1972 to identify the Montedison and all other group companies;
another version claims that the logo was made casually scribbling the inside of a paperclip on several points, he noticed a chart on his valuable communication and thought it might be that the logo represent for Montedison;
a third version says that the logo of the Montedison Group, was designed during a general meeting in the north of Porto Marghera petrochemical Niero by engineer Cesare (born 1925), captain nitrogen fertilizers and the nitrate and nitric acid (Dipa: Agrimont, Fertimont, Montecatini (former Fiat) nitrogen), drawing 4 clips sheets, arranged at 45 degrees as if to indicate "an eagle soars, then remembered as an eagle (the most regal of birds) of Montedison, the most regal in the chemical industry and refinery.
In 1992, when the Montedison was already in his later years, his logo was printed on the side of Il Moro di Venezia, the boat of Raul Gardini, produced at Tencara who came to the America's Cup It also served for several years to identify the Standa, when it was owned by Montedison.
Giorgio Valerio (1966-1970)
Merzagora Caesar (1970)
Campilli Peter (1970)
Cefis Eugenio (1971-1977)
Giuseppe Medici (1977-1981)
Mario Schimberni (1981-1987)
Raul Gardini (1987-1991)
Joseph Pinkney (1991-1992)
Arturo Ferruzzi (1993)
Guido Rossi (1993-1995)
Luigi Lucchini (1995-2001) Umberto Quadrino
Enrico Bondi was Managing Director of Montedison in the 90s
Enrico Cuccia encouraged the merger of Montecatini and Edison
Marghera chemical plant Pallanza
Ferrara Polo chemical companies of the Montedison group
Agrimont, now Yara
Carlo Grass
Eridania Beghin-Say
Farmoplant pesticide Rogor
Fertimont, former Fiat Fiat Vetrocoke
nitrogen fertilizers, then Italian Glass (SIV), now Pilkington
Istituto Guido Donegani
Mapei Group Vinavil Merak
Italian Society Italian Society
Nylon Polyester
SIPA - Italian Society for acrylic products
Montefluos, then Montesolvay, now Solvay Fluor Italy
Montevecchio, also known as Lead-Zinc
Montoil already Olimont
EventsManager - Electrical Services Montedison
Taban, a former area of \u200b\u200bNailonplast Montefibre
Notes ^ The establishment of Novamont dates back to 1990 when it was controlled by Ferruzzi Montedison, this suggests that actually existed possible synergies between the two groups, although the field of bioenergy was then still in its infancy. See also the website of Novamont (
^ * ^ News of the purchase on
Franco Briatico, Ascesca and decline of public capital in Italy. events and protagonists, Il Mulino, 2004
G. Baldi, Powerful System, Basic Books, 1976 N.
Crepax, History of industry in Italy, Il Mulino, 2002
M. Mucchetti, fire bosses?, Feltrinelli, 2004
C. Peruzzi, Chance Ferruzzi, Il Sole 24 ore publisher, 1987
Sources: Montecatini
Montedison and Edison was born in 1966 from the merger of Montecatini and Edison, Montecatini was founded in 1888 in Montecatini Val di Cecina (PI) for the exploitation of local copper mines ; in the '10s came in the chemical sector and 900 in the following decades became by getting patents and acquisitions, the largest Italian chemical company, almost a monopoly in certain products such as sulfuric acid, fertilizers, dyes (through ACNA subsidiary) in 1936, in collaboration with AGIP, constituted the 'Anic (Hydrogenation National Fuel Company) with the aim of producing synthetic gasoline, and that would be the first Italian center of the petrochemical industry. The Edison was born in Milan in 1895 and was one of the first companies to use that energy in Italy was the base of the hydroelectric first Italian industrialization, building dams along the Alps, especially in Lombardy, and already at the beginning of the '900 Edison was one of the dominant industrial groups in Italy, breaking the control of the electricity market in Northern Italy with the SIP, which is concentrated in Piedmont and Liguria, and EDIS, strong in the North East
The war and the early melting
immediately after the war in Italy was expected as the nationalization electricity industry, which had been in the hands of private companies such as Edison itself, the prospect of being subjected to an expropriation of its assets led the power companies to diversify: the Edison chose to invest primarily in the petrochemical industry, attracted also by the incentives granted by the State . In the 50s so the interests of Edison collided with those of Montecatini, in financial difficulties for the large investments required by the construction of petrochemical complex in Brindisi, but the forefront of research into new materials (isotactic polypropylene), thanks to 'industrialization of patents arising from research chemist Giulio Natta, Nobel prize in 1962. In 1962, with the costitiuzione Enel, the electricity industry nationalization did take place, private companies had to deliver their babies in public power plants, receiving in exchange for substantial indennizzi.La same Montecatini in 1963 acquired the former company Electric EDIS, with the sole purpose of appropriating the amount of compensation, but the financial difficulties of Montecatini find solutions only in 1966 with the merger with Edison, too strong of compensation received by the state following the nationalization, the merger was designed by Mediobanca who entrusted the leadership of Montedison managers of the "old" Edison. In 1968, again under the supervision of Mediobanca, Sogame the (financial jointly controlled ENI-IRI) raked in a block of shares held 15-20% of the capital, sufficient to ensure the status of shareholder.
The Seventies In 1971 Eugenio Cefis, former president of ENI, was appointed chairman of Montedison, a position he held until 1977, the press of the Montedison seen more as a tool to achieve Cefis not better laid political plans (also on a coup) rather than as an affiliated with ENI, which held the controlling stake jointly to IRI. The suspicion was corroborated by the acquisition of the newspaper Il Messaggero Cefis and aims of the Corriere della Sera daily newspapers should have been used to increase the political weight of Cefis and its political reference Amintore Fanfani. Apart from that, in the 70 Montedison slipped a long series of budgets in red, just tempered by financial income sought precisely in order to "beautify" the results weakened by the poor performance of industrial management. Despite the presence in the capital of ENI, Montedison it was in fact a self-acting oil with the agency as a competitor, entering it on a collision course especially for the allocation of substantial public support in those years were paid in respect of capital expenditures in the South. Montedison, IRI was able to give some food companies (such as Pai and Pavesi) purchased by Edison in the previous decade, while taking advantage of the creation dell'EGAM to give him the unprofitable mining operations inherited from Montecatini.
The Eighties In 1981 occurred the "re-privatization" of Montedison: under the direction of a consortium groups Mediobanca Agnelli, Pirelli, Bonomi and Orlando acquired the controlling stake in the hands of the public. Thanks to a favorable accounts of Montedison went better, and the president Mario Schimberni it benefits by pursuing a policy of independence from major shareholders, making operations such as the acquisition of the insurance company Fondiaria, against the advice of Mediobanca. For this emerged gradually dall'azionariato major shareholders, while groups entered the "emerging" as the group Varasi (paints), the Ingham (clothing), the Maltauro (construction) and the Ferruzzi group (food), the latter, led by Raul Gardini, came to assume a dominant position gradually through purchases on the Stock Exchange in 1987 and held more than 40% of the capital, becoming a member of the command. The business plan of the Ferruzzi group, active mainly in sugar, cereals and oilseeds, has not yet entirely clear: some say the purchase of chemical giant was due simply to the "megalomania" of the charismatic Gardini, while according to others the Ferruzzi had begun to realize the potential of "green chemistry" (eg in bio-materials or bio-energy), glimpsed possible synergies with their own activities with those nell'agroalimentare dell'Agrimont, the subsidiary that was in charge of agricultural inputs.
The birth of Enimont
In 1988, ENI and Montedison Enimont gave the joint venture (40% ENI, Montedison 40%, 20% floating) its chemical activities: Thus was the covenant between public chemical and private chemical that many hoped for years. The life of Enimont was short and turbulent in 1990 Gardini seemed to aim for an absolute majority of the capital, but in 1991 he yielded all the chemical activities ENI, receiving in return an estimated price later as exorbitant and probably inflated by the tangents paid to political parties.
The Nineties
With the almost total output from the chemicals sector and the reorganization of the Ferruzzi group, Montedison had become a mere holding company that controlled (through a system of "boxes" complicated corporate) companies like Eridania Beghin Say (sugar), Fondiaria (insurance) the Cereol (oilseeds) and Carapelli (olive oil) and the "new" Edison, the parent company for the activities in the energy re-established in 1991 to exploit the opportunities envisaged by the emerging trends towards the liberalization of energy markets. In 1993 Montedison was with unsustainable levels of debt that forced him to relinquish control of the Ferruzzi group of creditor banks, led by the "usual" Mediobanca. The decade was marked by corporate restructuring and the sale and reorganization aimed at reducing debt.
The EDF takeover of Montedison and the end of
Once again, the shareholders 'control' Montedison had no power to protect society from climbers bag. In the spring of 2001 were the French financier Romain Zaleski and the entity electric rake Montedison shares in EDF, EDF came to own approximately 30% of the capital, but the Italian Government opposed the takeover of the French giant, under the pretext of the lack "reciprocity" for Italian companies to scale the French energy companies. In effect, what they were interested in EDF power plants and gas import quotas for the Edison, the prospect of liberalization of the Italian energy market. The stalemate that was created was solved with the establishment of the holding company Italenergia, owned by Fiat, EDF and Zaleski and who controlled most of the Montedison, which in 2002 changed its name to Edison and sold all shares inherited from the former Montedison, becoming in effect an energy group.
activities ex-Montedison
From Enimont each other and with the continuing financial crisis of the Ferruzzi group, Montedison sold many activities, each of which followed different fates, in the twenty-first century there are still some companies that bring in the name their previous membership in the Montedison Group:
Edison disappeared after the merger in 1966, the name was revived in the early '90s as a subsidiary of Montedison for energy activities, and replaced the SELM, after absorbing the electrical activity in the Falck group, in 2001 had become the most important asset of the group and that was what actually was intended when EDF climbed Montedison. He inherited from the "old" Edison of the historical site Foro Buonaparte, Milan.
Tecnimont: working in the field of civil and industrial use in 2005 was sold by Edison Group to Maire Engineering (former Fiat Engineering), giving rise to Maire Tecnimont.
Novamont: based in Novara, is a company specialized in the production of bioplastics made from corn, which received international acclaim for its production of biodegradable materials [1].
Montefibre: name of the former Montedison group active in the production of technical fiber; given to Enimont EniChem subsequently passed in 1997 the property was taken over by the textile group Orlandi. The company still bears the old name and is listed on the Stock Exchange.
Other activities were instead sold and then consumed by other industrial groups, hence the change of name. Most of the chemical activities "traditional" EniChem actually passed in 1991, after the story Enimont, but not so technologically more advanced activities, such as those grouped in Ausimont and Himont, who remained "in the belly" to Montedison until 2002, when the company completed the process of refocusing on energy:
Agrimont (formerly Fertimont): the company of products for agriculture in 1991 was awarded to EniChem, which in turn will give the activities the subsidiary EniChem Agriculture:
-branch pesticides (insecticides, herbicides, fungicides) was sold in 1992 to a newly formed company, the Isagro still active and listed on the Stock Exchange;
-branch fertilizer was sold to Norsk Hydro in 1996 ;
Montedipe and Montepolimeri: these companies specialized in the production of basic chemicals and plastics passed in 1991 EniChem, which remained part of the business (now headed by Syndial and Polimeri Europa) and dismise but others (like the Vinavil, continued by the group Mapei).
Ausimont: specializes in fluorine chemistry and engineering plastics, was controlled by the Montedison group until 2002, when it was released and absorbed by the chemical group Solvay.
Himont: joint-venture between Montedison and the American Hercules, the company that produced polypropylene, was considered one of the "jewels" of the technology group, which in fact did not want to conferila Enimont at the time of its establishment, the successor to Hercules Shell (hence the name Montell), Montedison sold it completely in 1997. Later, after the entry of BASF in 2000 became Basell). In 2005, both BASF and Shell sold the company to a consortium of companies, including Access Industries and Chatterjee Group for approximately € 4.4 billion [2]. Currently (December 2007), after yet another merger (this time with the American Lyondell) has acquired the name of LyondellBasell.
Farmitalia: even the pharmaceutical hub in the business of Montedison entered Enimont, but it was sold a few years later at Pharmacia (now Pfizer), Montedison cherished but the business named Antibioticos, specializing in the synthesis of active antibiotics, which was sold the Fidia Farmaceutici in 2003. Individual plants
specialize in niche products have been absorbed by chemical companies emerging as one of Pallanza (formerly Montefibre), which still produces PET and was recognized in 1989 by the group Mossi & Ghisolfi, or that of Novara (formerly Montedipe), which mainly produces fibers polyamides and went instead to the Radici Group.
Areas former Montedison
L 'adventure' industrial Montedison did not, however, left alone business, but also many plants that were closed or greatly scaled down, creating areas of "ex-Montedison" in all of Italy: Milan
: the area situated in the district of Rogoredo, where until 1970 he produced Rogor the insecticide, is undergoing redevelopment as a residential area (Santa Giulia project-Montecity), another ex-Montedison area is located near the Simplon Pass, where he planned to build a skyscraper with 24 floors. The wide skyscraper that housed the headquarters of Donegani Montecatini is now home to the station Radio 105 and Radio Monte Carlo [3].
Pescara Porto Recanati
Crotone Porto Empedocles
In each of these sites resulted in termination of employment difficulties for the people and the complex search for new ways to use the huge brownfield sites, which require including remediation of pollution from industries.
History logo
There are several versions about the origin of the logo that identified the Montedison and its subsidiaries:
the site of Edison ([2]) reports that it was specifically designed by U.S. firm Landor in 1972 to identify the Montedison and all other group companies;
another version claims that the logo was made casually scribbling the inside of a paperclip on several points, he noticed a chart on his valuable communication and thought it might be that the logo represent for Montedison;
a third version says that the logo of the Montedison Group, was designed during a general meeting in the north of Porto Marghera petrochemical Niero by engineer Cesare (born 1925), captain nitrogen fertilizers and the nitrate and nitric acid (Dipa: Agrimont, Fertimont, Montecatini (former Fiat) nitrogen), drawing 4 clips sheets, arranged at 45 degrees as if to indicate "an eagle soars, then remembered as an eagle (the most regal of birds) of Montedison, the most regal in the chemical industry and refinery.
In 1992, when the Montedison was already in his later years, his logo was printed on the side of Il Moro di Venezia, the boat of Raul Gardini, produced at Tencara who came to the America's Cup It also served for several years to identify the Standa, when it was owned by Montedison.
Giorgio Valerio (1966-1970)
Merzagora Caesar (1970)
Campilli Peter (1970)
Cefis Eugenio (1971-1977)
Giuseppe Medici (1977-1981)
Mario Schimberni (1981-1987)
Raul Gardini (1987-1991)
Joseph Pinkney (1991-1992)
Arturo Ferruzzi (1993)
Guido Rossi (1993-1995)
Luigi Lucchini (1995-2001) Umberto Quadrino
Enrico Bondi was Managing Director of Montedison in the 90s
Enrico Cuccia encouraged the merger of Montecatini and Edison
Marghera chemical plant Pallanza
Ferrara Polo chemical companies of the Montedison group
Agrimont, now Yara
Carlo Grass
Eridania Beghin-Say
Farmoplant pesticide Rogor
Fertimont, former Fiat Fiat Vetrocoke
nitrogen fertilizers, then Italian Glass (SIV), now Pilkington
Istituto Guido Donegani
Mapei Group Vinavil Merak
Italian Society Italian Society
Nylon Polyester
SIPA - Italian Society for acrylic products
Montefluos, then Montesolvay, now Solvay Fluor Italy
Montevecchio, also known as Lead-Zinc
Montoil already Olimont
EventsManager - Electrical Services Montedison
Taban, a former area of \u200b\u200bNailonplast Montefibre
Notes ^ The establishment of Novamont dates back to 1990 when it was controlled by Ferruzzi Montedison, this suggests that actually existed possible synergies between the two groups, although the field of bioenergy was then still in its infancy. See also the website of Novamont (
^ * ^ News of the purchase on
Franco Briatico, Ascesca and decline of public capital in Italy. events and protagonists, Il Mulino, 2004
G. Baldi, Powerful System, Basic Books, 1976 N.
Crepax, History of industry in Italy, Il Mulino, 2002
M. Mucchetti, fire bosses?, Feltrinelli, 2004
C. Peruzzi, Chance Ferruzzi, Il Sole 24 ore publisher, 1987
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