"revealed the secrets of more than 13
major banks in the world"
Yesterday at 11:45
Now Active website 'sentinel':
http://www. banksecrets.eu / sheet, to be all in Italian.
June 27, 2009 - revealed the connections among the largest banks in the world, including Intesa Sanpaolo and Unicredit, and companies producing weapons, damage the environment, supporting authoritarian regimes. The initiative of the European BankTrack, which he also heads the Campaign to Reform the World Bank. Probably continue to do so, but will be held accountable to the public international and, hopefully, to their depositors.
fact now there's a website, 'BankSecrets', making public investments made by the 13 largest banks in the world. A site that shows the relationship between these banks and companies known because they have supported dictators, caused irreversible environmental damage, product banned weapons such as cluster munitions.
The banks involved are Banco Santander, Barclays, BBVA, BNP Paribas, Citigroup, Credit Agricole, Deutsche Bank, ING, Intesa Sanpaolo, HSBC, RBS, Société Générale and Unicredit.
to manage the new site 'Sentinel' is the European network composed of BankTrack Campaign the reform of the World Bank (Italy), Friends of the Earth (France), Netwerk Vlaanderen (Belgium), Platform (United Kingdom), SETEM (Spain) and Urgewald (Germany).
BankTrack Recent research showed that 13 banks have invested a total of € 39.6 billion in company practices and questionable to say the least. From 2005 to 2009 have funded companies such as Textron, which produces the deadly cluster bombs, or as Petrochina and Vedanta Resources, which holds the record of environmental destruction. Of the 39.6 billion euro, 11.4 have been awarded in the form of loans and 10.5 of bonds, amounting to 17.7 billion while the total shares of the companies 'at risk' that banks hold.
'Investments as damaging can no longer be tolerated - said Andrea Baranes the CRBM. We believe that financial institutions should take due account of environmental and social standards when they have to decide how to spend their money. " Mathias Bienstman of Netwerk Vlaanderen adds: "Investors should not expect to be declared legally responsible for human rights violations and environmental damage. Should avoid record profits because of these activities so controversial. Banks have great power and thus can contribute to positive change. " So
'BankSecrets' is an instrument of citizenship active, remaining in the segment of banks, is in addition to 'BancheArmate'
http://www.banchearmate.it/ the site of the campaign - promoted by magazines Nigrizia, Mission Today, Mosaic of Peace - which ten years monitoring the behavior of lenders in relation to the financing of arms trade.