To Luncheon of the children, for their snacks to school for afternoon tea for a break from a shopping-hungry and the other for dipping into the past of Sagrantino, to end a meal washed down with English cream or fruit sauce red ...
Muffins simple simple
00 310 g sugar 120 g butter 115 g
milk 1 egg 250 g
salt 1 / 2 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon
and 1 / 2
vanilla 1 bag (or 1 teaspoon extract)
(all ingredients at room temperature)
Melt the butter in a double boiler
Heat milk Sift together the flour, baking powder and vanilla. In a
small bowl beat the egg with a fork.
Mix the liquid components together and mix in a bowl except the sugar with the melted butter (use an electric mixer at max power)
Add egg and milk.
Finally add the flour, stirring with a whisk in the liquids by hand from top to bottom until un'impasto smooth and without lumps.
Pour the mixture into buttered and floured molds (if you have
silicone molds do this you can 'jump).
Fill the molds for 2 / 3 of their volume.
Bake in preheated oven at 190 degrees, and bake for 15'-20 '.
Do the toothpick test, bake, let cool.
When lukewarm Maffin will remove.
The batter can add blueberries or chopped apple o. ..
I made a simple version of Christmas, drawing a comet with a little 'cocoa powder and a stencil.
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