Et voila! Out of the first. It does not seem too bad, indeed. I can not wait to hear how coming, but I have to wait until tomorrow morning moment of the feast of Easter in our region. For us, the Easter breakfast was almost always the most important meal of the rich and varied, with various meats and classic cheesecake, eggs and offal of lamb done in a pan, then of course the chocolate eggs and sweet pizzas . No doves. To drink there was the Vernaccia of Cannock, a lot of red wine and a pleasant sweet taste.
Hello Dad, remember? were always one of the last to go down for breakfast and only for that magnificent Easter wore long silk robe, striped gray and burgundy. You were the center of the room, you were the center of the family, you were the center of my life. I want you so well now as then, my sweet daddy.
But that takes me, you are always with me, indeed you are always with us and come down tomorrow morning to have breakfast with your beautiful gown. I know, you do not like the cheesecake, do not worry there is some very good bread Strettura.
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