Monday, January 12, 2009

Paramore That's What You Get Hoodie Uk


On 12 January, news came that ' National Institute of Health has confirmed the analysis carried out by WWF and the Abruzzo Social Forum and the civic committees. ISS said in a statement that "the existence of toxic waste dumps in areas upstream of the catchment areas of water (...) configure a situation of risk to human health (...). Excesses over the security to the extent indicated in the figures sent out by this Association in all cases show a situation of non-compliance that make water unfit for human consumption. "The letter is available on the ISS Abruzzo Social Forum (here in. pdf) and a few comments on the event are available at WWF has long documented the plight of rivers in Abruzzo.

Dante Caserta, president of WWF Abruzzo, denounces "the complete failure of a entire system of prevention and control, compounded by the fact that nobody knew for years and, to our complaint, intervened. "Augusto De Sanctis, head waters of the WWF Abruzzo, adds that "the words of the ISS is impressive when you consider that the water of San Angelo Pozzi has been used since the 80s, supplying over 400 thousand people for about 25 years up to 40 days ago ".

But a dispute, except for the predictable aftermath records, you start towards the end, a similar risk to open. The dump of Serre, near Lancaster, which should accommodate at least 15 tons of waste from Campania, had been found that toxic wastes have contaminated groundwater. Following the discovery, the mayor of Lancaster on February 16, placed an order with which "provides for the prohibition of use of water wells and courses in the shallow areas near and downstream of the former municipal landfill in the district of Serrano. Marrollo Paola, head of the Lancaster Environment League club, says that "it is a tragedy waiting to happen for years and this association, and not only denounced the risks of the landfill. "Nezzo Luzio, part of the regional secretariat of Legambiente, points out that" Thanks to the garbage - from the Campania region to that of L'Aquila and Teramo - the City of Lancaster take decades "gold" which then returns with a modest 15.30% of collection to the community ".

Another question that continues to threaten the territory of Abruzzo is parallel to the construction of the new SS16, which devastated the Lido Riccio Ortona-Apostilles. In a press release dated February 4 Fabrizia Arduini, spokesperson for the protection of the coast of Chieti, summarized some of the points raised in recent months "a sad scenario," as he described the whole affair, which sees a lot of economic resources squandered. " A work that violates "the many constraints that exist in that area so fragile and species of plants and wildlife protected by federal, national and international laws that" inhibit all use hotel and tourism insediatorio and heavy, let alone a section of infrastructure. "The complaint Fabrizia Arduini stresses that the project is stopped for months, "except for a small scraper that goes up and down the track to move The chippings.

A situation that makes you think they have been cleared funds available and the project has actually been stopped. It is therefore requested the City Council, "as soon as possible to shed light on the state of the art work, and the block finality of that, in our opinion, again and damaging Canvas Penelope "and" modernize existing facilities and to heal the coast road to residents, the return to pre-existing condition of the northern section with the return of land to rightful owners, the latter , remember, with 4 expropriated money. "

At the meeting on 5 February of the Service Works Maritime and Marine Water Quality, WWF Abruzzo has developed a real Decalogue for "a decisive turning point in the management of the coast." The Association notes that have been abandoned RICAMA conclusions of the project, funded through the European Union's LIFE, and "coastal regeneration and redevelopment are not applied, as well as the retreat of urbanity while, conversely lean projects devastating as the "Centre for ENI oil Ortona or enlargement of the port and the stability of oils in Vasto Fox." The dispute

Centre Oli is one of the hottest. In recent weeks the sub-office in Pescara in the TAR has postponed its decision on the appeal lodged in December, refer them to the main section of regional de L'Aquila. Meanwhile Services Conference convened by the Parks Department, Land, Environment, Energy in the Abruzzo region continues to slip. After an initial postponement February 1 to 18, has been suspended awaiting the decision of the TAR. The Conference had initially raised hopes in the face of contrary to the achievement of the Centre Oli. It was hoped they could bring out their motivations, in a confrontation in which the President of the Turkish Region and Mayor of Ortona Fratino would remain isolated from the leaders of other local authorities. The agenda of the conference, however, were disappointing, being centered on setting up a unit for the detection of pollutants (actually provided by law) and technology systems to be used in the settlement, however, for giving the immovable creation.

Alessio Di Florio


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