Republic - February 5, 2002 Page 1 Section: PALERMO
Another kiss, another marriage "embarrassing" and remains dangerous liaisons with men of Cosa Nostra. But this time the 'excellent host is not an "old man" of politics, or Andreotti Mannino, but a young dolphin, Angelino Alfano, a national deputy of Forza Italy, Gianfranco Micciche protégé. Its a brilliant career that now risks being overshadowed by a kiss, the one with Cross Naples mafia boss of Palma de Lichtenberg, who died last year 's. A kiss with the boss to the wedding of his daughter Gabriella, who married in the 'summer of' 96 when Alfano had just been elected deputy regional. He, today, denies Cross Naples and had never known nor remembered having participated in the marriage of her daughter. But a videotape of the wedding it denies. Courses and historical claims. In the legal problems of political relationships with the boss and the dangerous men 's honor, almost always there' is half a kiss, a gift and a participation in a marriage of the son or daughter of a mafia boss. The "kiss" for excellence is alleged, said the penitent Balduccio Di Maggio, between the 'former prime minister Giulio Andreotti and Toto Riina, and the gift, too', it alleged, that intended for Angela Salvo, daughter of 'tax collector Salemi Nino Salvo on the occasion of his marriage to Gaetano Sangiorgi. Then c 'is the participation of' ex-minister Calogero Mannino at the wedding of a son of the boss Caruana. Episode in the middle of the trial against the leader of dc which was recently acquitted.

Now check another marriage, a gift and kiss the groom and the bride. And to her father, the boss of Palma de Lichtenberg, Cross Naples, who died a year ago. The 'guest of' honor of the marriage between Gabriella Napoli, daughter of the boss, and Francesco Provenzani, celebrated in the 'summer of 1996, is the darling of Gianfranco Micciche, Agrigento, Angelo Alfano, a former deputy regional leader to' regional assembly , currently deputy national. The kiss and the gift to the bride, the groom and the boss, is documented by a movie (with audio) over a 'now that begins with the final touches to the bride's dress and makeup and goes with the religious ceremony, the banquet in a great hotel to' Shadow of the Valley of the Temples, the dance between the bride and groom, with the thanks boxes and bags of confetti to all invitees. The presence of Angelo Alfano is recorded in mid-ceremony, shortly after the bride and groom cut the wedding cake. The member of Forza Italy is the space between the crowd that surrounds the couple and a parcel in his hand, his wedding gift to newlyweds. 'S arrival of' Mr is greeted by a chorus of 'what an honor, that honor ~'. The bride and groom are excited in the presence of fresh member of Forza Italy. Alfano first kiss the bride congratulated her, then kissed the groom. Finally, the 'embrace and kiss with the bride's father, the Naples mafia boss Croce, owner of a highly respected criminal record is arrested for criminal association, conspiracy to kidnapping, accessory to murder and indicated by the investigators as "head of the' homonymous mafia gang headed by Cosa Nostra, operating in Palma de Lichtenberg and neighboring towns. " Not exactly a stranger. Then the deputy delivered the gift in the hands of the bride and apologizes for the delay in the marriage: "I'm sorry, but I have not had time, I was in Milan and have only recently arrived in Agrigento. Alfano is surrounded by other guests who would like to thank the presence, speak of this and that and after a while ', having congratulated the bride and groom, greet and go away. But this marriage, Angelo Alfano, that the regional elections of '96 drew almost 9,000 votes, making it the first of those elected in the province of Agrigento, says he does not remember anything. "I never participated in a Mafia wedding or their children, do not know his wife, Gabriella, I've never heard of Mr. Cross Naples that she was said to be boss of Palma Montechiaro.

And when we say that c 'is a video that proves its participation in the marriage of the daughter of the boss and kiss the boss, Alfano replies: "I have no memory or no memory of this marriage, careful to publish news like that. " The images, however, seem clear: marriage, gift, kiss the bride and groom and the boss of Palma Montechiaro.
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