Thursday, February 18, 2010
Phrase For A New Born
1. When did your passion for the cinema? Perhaps it has always been inside me! From an early age I loved to be picked up by my father in the family videos. He has always been passionate about photography and filming and has always tried to keep ahead with technology. Soon I passed by in front of and behind the camera. From the age of 9 years, was not he who turned the home movie of the holidays, but I. Step by step, a little 'for fun, a bit' out of passion, I started with my friends to put together his first short films. Since 2001 we have made more than 50 projects and in 2006 we created WHITEROSEprd., The organization that represents us today as a production house.
2. Tell me a bit 'your roots and your family ...
I was born September 27, 1986 in Sansepolcro (AR), but always live in San Giustino (PG). My parents are both from Tuscany as all my grandparents. My father was born and lived for many years to Caprese Michelangelo (AR), while my mother was born in Bibbiena (AR), but has lived until 1977 in Chiusi della Verna. Both have moved to work at St. Justin, got married and built the house where I still live. As a child every weekend we would go back at Chiusi della Verna, and then I can say I lived much of my life on the border between Umbria and Tuscany. Besides San Giustino is just a few kilometers from the border and then often to cross. Sansepolcro is a town that I love and that in several respects is even film. For my latest film is IN THE MARKET wanted to "return" specially in Tuscany to shoot some scenes outside, because I know well some landscapes and I knew without a shadow of doubt as to frame them in a better way.
For my family, I can not forget to have a sister, Sara. A very special person in my life and who believes very much in what I do. Always supports me and not just a moral level, sometimes it is out of balance financially too!
For my family, I can not forget to have a sister, Sara. A very special person in my life and who believes very much in what I do. Always supports me and not just a moral level, sometimes it is out of balance financially too!
3. Your childhood Good question! I think my childhood was very normal, but one thing I remember above all is my desire to create, to build, to make room for the imagination. I've always been a child and ordered that he loved the symmetry, which now enjoy much in my shots. As a child I did not go to the movies a lot and do not even look at a lot of television, yes, I played a lot to videogmaes, but preferred by far the lego and cars!
A curiosity is that often relive my childhood through the tapes that my father saw, where often it's me and my sister that the combined effect of all colors. I wanted to pay homage to this on two occasions. In my first film LIFE'S BUT, there is a flashback of a sister who is in the hospital by his brother, the children you see in the images we are the ones my sister and me. Finally I made a short film which is taken from a poem of my book while your eyes, sleep and calls two stars of the night where there are always two of us.
4. Your studies:
I did not go to kindergarten, I went there two or more weeks, but I was terrified of the nuns, and every morning that my mother was with us was an odyssey. I was lucky enough to spend my childhood home with my grandparents and my sister. I attended elementary and junior high school in San Giustino and in Citta di Castello. I graduated as a surveyor. Before you want to be a filmmaker, I dreamed of becoming an architect. Over the years I have found many similarities between the two professions. As I said, the symmetry, the taste of images, etc.. So years have not been entirely wasted. I had the opportunity to make two short films, gender history, with my class, and have been awarded in national competitions. The most important of the courts is THE WHITE ROSE sure who won the prize in 2004 in Citta di Castello Venanzio Gabriotti el'Efebo Short Youth in Trapani. Since that award, the white rose has become a bit 'obsession and an emblem. I called WHITEROSEprd. my studio, just to remember always that short and that he had given me: the desire to continue and safety. A surveyors
I wanted to do a little 'more than the humanities, but I made up over the years: a bit' on her own and a bit 'because I joined the DAMS Roma3. The university was a good experience, which made me discover and learn many concepts, but also has opened a world I did not know, one of the city of Rome. On the other hand are a country boy and this has its pros and cons, although I must say, with hindsight, most of which are the good qualities.
I trained through various courses such as theory and practice held by Federico Greek cinema, scriptwriting, shooting and editing.
5. What does it mean for you to be a director? How do you feel behind a camera?
What most inspires me to do this "job" is an art so powerful you can tell through my feelings and my emotions. I believe that the seventh art is a way that encompasses all the other arts: painting, photography, music, literature, poetry, etc. Many times in my life I felt the desire to give my thoughts, whether written in pieces of paper or magnetic tape.
For me to be a director is a dream coming true. When I am behind the camera I feel I can say what they are, for others to see my point of view, let me know. The camera is sort of my subjective, an extension of my eyes. It's nice to show others what I see through his eyes and not only, perhaps with the heart. Someone once told me: - "When your project a film at the cinema, in front of a large audience, you feel vulnerable, like an open book."
I did not think I'd ever feel this way, but the premiere of my film, I tried just that. At that time many people were seeing what I saw and how I saw it. It seems strange, but the spectators, watching your movie, you can buy a lot. Even more if you are not only filmmakers but also writers work.
6. Your greatest satisfaction in your work where you been?
The greatest satisfaction was ever able to throw in a multiplex IN THE MARKET. I always set that goal and a dream come true, we were able to reach this goal. We had a preview with beautiful photocall, signed posters, party and projection. Another satisfaction is that the film was seen by many viewers and this has led to a larger deployment that will begin from January 29, 2010. We say that this is a second dream come true.
7. Your best memory ... The best memory is the day on the set of IN THE MARKET now is the special effects master Sergio boots. Have by my side a "sacred monster" as he gave me an adrenaline rush and it is not indifferent to the work was fantastic. I realized on that day the power of film. If next to me I was able to bring Sergio boots and he was thrilled to see the scenes, meant that we were on track.
8. Where did you start making films?
My first short film was SCREAMING FOR SILENCE (2001), a horror of 20 minutes with some very special effect craft and ketchup. A sort of remake of Scream shot entirely in my house.
9. Your early work
year after my first short film I shot a feature film entitled THE Halloween (2002), also a horror / fantasy with witches, ghosts, demons, and two hapless friends who move to a new home. Classic story is true, but that took me a lot. From then on I made some short films of historical reconstruction and I came up in BUT LIFE'S (2006), my first real movie.
10. What is the filmmaker who inspires you?
The director who inspired me the most is definitely Quentin Tarantino. A director who in turn inspired by many genres and directors, many of them Italian. For me, Tarantino is the director who best embodies the essence of living of the director / author. You can amaze, writes original screenplays with dialogue without equal and has a taste of the picture that I admire very much. See KILL BILL is a manual of how to study film. I really like his style and IN THE MARKET I have very honored.
11. And the absolute favorite movie?
There are many movies that I hold in my imagination, particularly those with difficult camera movements and directors such as Antonioni, Welles, Cuaron, Wright, Kubrick, Spielberg, just to name a few, but like I said, maybe the one that contains the highest number of quality is Quentin Tarantino, and then I would say that my favorite movie is Kill Bill.
12. Tell me about In the Market (where and how the idea)? The idea of \u200b\u200b
IN THE MARKET was established in 2006 on the set of LIFE'S BUT, when we were in a supermarket for a scene of the headlines. And we said: - "Why do not we turn the next movie in a supermarket? There's everything! " And so it was. We wanted, however, give something original, funny, and we chose to set in a quiet location so a gory horror splatter. The market has been a terrific location, especially because it was used day and night and in all its points. From the depths of the shelves, the butcher, from cold to the groundwater. Shooting a movie in a few locations was also a very important choice in terms of production, an option not negligible in our case, since we are an independent production.
13. Why a horror? What makes the difference for a good horror? We
chosen because it is a horror genre that most can give good results with a tight budget. A horror film is that little can be spectacular. What we wanted most was to attract attention and curiosity. If you do a comedy unless you're Pieraccioni, in Italy, not going anywhere. We did not want to fall in the discount with a drama of families split up or, worse, extended families. Maybe it was a choice a bit 'forced, but that has borne fruit. Above all we wanted to try to restore a bit 'light to a genre that in recent years in Italy flourished. And then, Let's face it, make a horror, it's fun!
14. And to produce What is a good film?
certainly an original idea in the first place and a good script. Then you must choose how best to represent: the shooting style and quality to be achieved, the cast (actors famous or not). In a horror does not require players to recall, because the rule applies that you can not kill Scamarcio! Although I think could make a sensation, I mean in a movie! But in Italy does not dare ever, so I think before that happens, it will pass water under the bridge. Finally if you have a good budget you're more comfortable, but not always essential for a good result, having lots of money.
15. Tell me about the cast of In the market (who the actors, where they come from and what they do in life).
The main actors are of IN THE MARKET Marco Martini, Elisa Sensi and Scarlett Caiani. There are three emerging players who are studying a lot and that in my films have worked until exhausted. Marco Martini of Sansepolcro and has worked with me in many projects. He is working to maintain and try to pursue his passion for film with continuous theater courses. Elisa Sensi is St. Justin, and worked with me, as well as Martini, in my previous film LIFE'S BUT. This is currently studying in Rome in an academy of acting, theater and does voice-over. Ross is originally from Terracina and I Caiani choice through The national casting held in Rome before the shooting and she has experienced much theater. Makes a cameo Stagi Eleanor, a young actress as well as my trusty collaborator in various stages of my projects. I'm focusing a lot on her and now will star in a video clip. The villain is played masterfully by Ottaviano Blitch, who needs no introduction and the other members of the cast (Massimiliano Vado, Claudio Bellanti, Gloria Coco, Silvano Granci, Alessandra Maravia) are all professionals, ranging from movies, TV and theater.
16. Tell me who won awards in The Market? In 2009, IN THE MARKET has been selected in a review dedicated to horror movies during the last Festival of Independent Cinema "of Foggia and also to the" Fantasy Horror Film-Festival in Ancona.
The awards he has received more at the "IV Darkness Film Festival" which took place on Halloween night to power. IN THE MARKET has won all 5 of the most coveted prizes of the festival, winning the award for Best Film, Best Special Effects (Sergio boots), Best Actor (Mark Martin), Best Actress (Elisa Sensi) and Special Mention the Outstanding Interpretation (Ottaviano Blitch).
Recently the film was named one of the nine independent horror film of 2009, the most representative site in the world.
17. It was difficult to produce a film with a budget so small?
Yes, because the entire film's budget was made available by us and therefore we have tried to raise the share as high as possible. It was tough because we were all students or that students who had recently finished his studies. The film had three weeks of shooting and climbed every day more and more money from the budget. We used every penny and fortunately we have calculated the costs well and we managed to finish the shoot in peace. Unfortunately, if we had not believed in ourselves, the film would not exist today because production or distribution of any house believed in our project and in particular young people who would have sufficed for a negligible share a major company. Sorry to say, but in Italy the clichés are often true and if you do not have a name, your film does not produce any.
18. What kind is Ottaviano Blitch? Ottaviano Blitch is a very good interpreter. An Italian who has an American to do. A rock star, an eclectic person of great sympathy. For me it became a big brother. It was very nice to give him the character of "Butcher". I think that in Italy only he can create characters so outgoing and unconventional. He did it with class and with great mastery. I am proud of his scenes.
19. The whiteroseprd. When and how did? Who are its members besides you?
WHITEROSEprd. born January 9, 2006 by necessity, after a few years into my business to make a mark and a hallmark of my work group. We wanted it more that we are not saying those guys who make movies, but that we are the WHITEROSEprd. This for us was very important to create an entity that could represent under one name and that he could make us overlook the panorama of the other production houses, more professionally. It is part of a creative group that is the core and making use of external collaborations when start major new projects. The main group consists of 6 people (including me): Eleanor Stagi, N. Amanda Santi, Marco Martini, Elisa Sensi, Sara Lombardi. These people, as well as my colleagues are also my friends with whom I have a very beautiful relationship of friendship, trust and professionalism. We work in all phases of our creations, from script to production, post-production to marketing and promotion.
Apart from films, WHITEROSEprd. is expanding more and more with the production of commercials, music videos and footage of service (theater, dance, concerts). We are also casting agency and promote emerging and non-actors and actresses. Lately, we also meander in radio, where we hold a program on the film called A FILM TO RADIO (every Wednesday and Thursday from 18:00 to RVT).
20. The person you care more ...
The person I care most is to safer Stagi Eleanor because she follows me every day and at every stage. Along with me, when we're not on set or in assembly, care aspects of promotion, advertising and marketing. Aspects that are fundamental to know us and our products. When we're on the set is an essential element that helps me to better attend to the organizational and bureaucratic issues. A true ace in the hole. Not thank you enough for what he does and believes in what WHITEROSEprd.
21. What did he supported in your choices ...
The more people who have supported in the choices, they are my parents. Without them I could never take this road. They were the first to believe in me and what I do, maybe even before I did. They have always gone along with my choices and my attitude. I will never stop thanking them.
22. A dream to realize your ...
A dream of mine to make, given that the goal of screening at the cinema we have reached now, you have a large scale and distribution throughout Italy. We'll see what happens, if not with this film, perhaps with the next. Who knows?
23. What are your future plans?
Well, I have several ideas in mind that circle and wander here and there, but I still give him a more consistent and recognize its potential. An idea that excites me is to create a film sequence shot, but to do this in addition to an experienced crew and a sublime cast, it must also have an idea that allows it. We are also reading several scripts that have sent us. We hope to find a good idea even among these.
24. Tell me something about poetry, when the passion for writing
passion for writing and especially poetry certainly born before that for the cinema, just to give vent to the thoughts of the mind and emotions that would otherwise have gone to impress. At age 11 I began to write poetry, if one can call. However, more than a passion, I would call it a necessity, which was manifested and manifests itself in moments of great love or great pain. For example, even for long periods does not touch the pen, now, thanks to the amount of work for IN THE MARKET, is one of them. Over time, however, I was lucky enough to write and many of them gather in a collection titled SLEEP WHEN YOUR EYES.
25. What to write for you?
Writing for me is a release. Often my mind is full of thoughts and I can not find space to think of something else. Then I take a pen and I vent. Whether it be a list of things to buy or a poem. When I am at a particular moment, I happen to have a gigantic stream of consciousness "thoughts and write quickly that my mind gives birth. The next day I read everything and I find that most of the time are poems with rhythm and sound. I do not question the value of my poems, not Leopard, but certainly are pieces that tell of the great puzzle of my life.
26. Tell me about your book that will be presented on 20
My book while your eyes, sleep will be presented Dec. 20 at 18:00 at the Museum of Tobacco San Giustino. The book is a collection of poems that were written in more than 10 years. The presentation will be something unusual, because in addition to the readings, there will be choreographed by a dancer and especially the screening of short films taken from eight poems. With these videos I wanted to make the link between concrete and visual poetry and cinema. I do not know is right, because poetry is something ephemeral, fantastic, everyone can imagine at will. But on the other hand is how to create a film based on a book, the only difference being that in this case the director knows exactly what he wants to send the author of the poems!
27. Who is Lorenzo Lombardi?
Lorenzo Lombardi is a boy who is kidnapped by any motion picture!
Monica Mariani "The Chop"
A curiosity is that often relive my childhood through the tapes that my father saw, where often it's me and my sister that the combined effect of all colors. I wanted to pay homage to this on two occasions. In my first film LIFE'S BUT, there is a flashback of a sister who is in the hospital by his brother, the children you see in the images we are the ones my sister and me. Finally I made a short film which is taken from a poem of my book while your eyes, sleep and calls two stars of the night where there are always two of us.
4. Your studies:
I did not go to kindergarten, I went there two or more weeks, but I was terrified of the nuns, and every morning that my mother was with us was an odyssey. I was lucky enough to spend my childhood home with my grandparents and my sister. I attended elementary and junior high school in San Giustino and in Citta di Castello. I graduated as a surveyor. Before you want to be a filmmaker, I dreamed of becoming an architect. Over the years I have found many similarities between the two professions. As I said, the symmetry, the taste of images, etc.. So years have not been entirely wasted. I had the opportunity to make two short films, gender history, with my class, and have been awarded in national competitions. The most important of the courts is THE WHITE ROSE sure who won the prize in 2004 in Citta di Castello Venanzio Gabriotti el'Efebo Short Youth in Trapani. Since that award, the white rose has become a bit 'obsession and an emblem. I called WHITEROSEprd. my studio, just to remember always that short and that he had given me: the desire to continue and safety. A surveyors
I wanted to do a little 'more than the humanities, but I made up over the years: a bit' on her own and a bit 'because I joined the DAMS Roma3. The university was a good experience, which made me discover and learn many concepts, but also has opened a world I did not know, one of the city of Rome. On the other hand are a country boy and this has its pros and cons, although I must say, with hindsight, most of which are the good qualities.
I trained through various courses such as theory and practice held by Federico Greek cinema, scriptwriting, shooting and editing.
5. What does it mean for you to be a director? How do you feel behind a camera?
What most inspires me to do this "job" is an art so powerful you can tell through my feelings and my emotions. I believe that the seventh art is a way that encompasses all the other arts: painting, photography, music, literature, poetry, etc. Many times in my life I felt the desire to give my thoughts, whether written in pieces of paper or magnetic tape.
For me to be a director is a dream coming true. When I am behind the camera I feel I can say what they are, for others to see my point of view, let me know. The camera is sort of my subjective, an extension of my eyes. It's nice to show others what I see through his eyes and not only, perhaps with the heart. Someone once told me: - "When your project a film at the cinema, in front of a large audience, you feel vulnerable, like an open book."
I did not think I'd ever feel this way, but the premiere of my film, I tried just that. At that time many people were seeing what I saw and how I saw it. It seems strange, but the spectators, watching your movie, you can buy a lot. Even more if you are not only filmmakers but also writers work.
6. Your greatest satisfaction in your work where you been?
The greatest satisfaction was ever able to throw in a multiplex IN THE MARKET. I always set that goal and a dream come true, we were able to reach this goal. We had a preview with beautiful photocall, signed posters, party and projection. Another satisfaction is that the film was seen by many viewers and this has led to a larger deployment that will begin from January 29, 2010. We say that this is a second dream come true.
7. Your best memory ... The best memory is the day on the set of IN THE MARKET now is the special effects master Sergio boots. Have by my side a "sacred monster" as he gave me an adrenaline rush and it is not indifferent to the work was fantastic. I realized on that day the power of film. If next to me I was able to bring Sergio boots and he was thrilled to see the scenes, meant that we were on track.
8. Where did you start making films?
My first short film was SCREAMING FOR SILENCE (2001), a horror of 20 minutes with some very special effect craft and ketchup. A sort of remake of Scream shot entirely in my house.
9. Your early work
year after my first short film I shot a feature film entitled THE Halloween (2002), also a horror / fantasy with witches, ghosts, demons, and two hapless friends who move to a new home. Classic story is true, but that took me a lot. From then on I made some short films of historical reconstruction and I came up in BUT LIFE'S (2006), my first real movie.
10. What is the filmmaker who inspires you?
The director who inspired me the most is definitely Quentin Tarantino. A director who in turn inspired by many genres and directors, many of them Italian. For me, Tarantino is the director who best embodies the essence of living of the director / author. You can amaze, writes original screenplays with dialogue without equal and has a taste of the picture that I admire very much. See KILL BILL is a manual of how to study film. I really like his style and IN THE MARKET I have very honored.
11. And the absolute favorite movie?
There are many movies that I hold in my imagination, particularly those with difficult camera movements and directors such as Antonioni, Welles, Cuaron, Wright, Kubrick, Spielberg, just to name a few, but like I said, maybe the one that contains the highest number of quality is Quentin Tarantino, and then I would say that my favorite movie is Kill Bill.
12. Tell me about In the Market (where and how the idea)? The idea of \u200b\u200b
IN THE MARKET was established in 2006 on the set of LIFE'S BUT, when we were in a supermarket for a scene of the headlines. And we said: - "Why do not we turn the next movie in a supermarket? There's everything! " And so it was. We wanted, however, give something original, funny, and we chose to set in a quiet location so a gory horror splatter. The market has been a terrific location, especially because it was used day and night and in all its points. From the depths of the shelves, the butcher, from cold to the groundwater. Shooting a movie in a few locations was also a very important choice in terms of production, an option not negligible in our case, since we are an independent production.
13. Why a horror? What makes the difference for a good horror? We
chosen because it is a horror genre that most can give good results with a tight budget. A horror film is that little can be spectacular. What we wanted most was to attract attention and curiosity. If you do a comedy unless you're Pieraccioni, in Italy, not going anywhere. We did not want to fall in the discount with a drama of families split up or, worse, extended families. Maybe it was a choice a bit 'forced, but that has borne fruit. Above all we wanted to try to restore a bit 'light to a genre that in recent years in Italy flourished. And then, Let's face it, make a horror, it's fun!
14. And to produce What is a good film?
certainly an original idea in the first place and a good script. Then you must choose how best to represent: the shooting style and quality to be achieved, the cast (actors famous or not). In a horror does not require players to recall, because the rule applies that you can not kill Scamarcio! Although I think could make a sensation, I mean in a movie! But in Italy does not dare ever, so I think before that happens, it will pass water under the bridge. Finally if you have a good budget you're more comfortable, but not always essential for a good result, having lots of money.
15. Tell me about the cast of In the market (who the actors, where they come from and what they do in life).
The main actors are of IN THE MARKET Marco Martini, Elisa Sensi and Scarlett Caiani. There are three emerging players who are studying a lot and that in my films have worked until exhausted. Marco Martini of Sansepolcro and has worked with me in many projects. He is working to maintain and try to pursue his passion for film with continuous theater courses. Elisa Sensi is St. Justin, and worked with me, as well as Martini, in my previous film LIFE'S BUT. This is currently studying in Rome in an academy of acting, theater and does voice-over. Ross is originally from Terracina and I Caiani choice through The national casting held in Rome before the shooting and she has experienced much theater. Makes a cameo Stagi Eleanor, a young actress as well as my trusty collaborator in various stages of my projects. I'm focusing a lot on her and now will star in a video clip. The villain is played masterfully by Ottaviano Blitch, who needs no introduction and the other members of the cast (Massimiliano Vado, Claudio Bellanti, Gloria Coco, Silvano Granci, Alessandra Maravia) are all professionals, ranging from movies, TV and theater.
16. Tell me who won awards in The Market? In 2009, IN THE MARKET has been selected in a review dedicated to horror movies during the last Festival of Independent Cinema "of Foggia and also to the" Fantasy Horror Film-Festival in Ancona.
The awards he has received more at the "IV Darkness Film Festival" which took place on Halloween night to power. IN THE MARKET has won all 5 of the most coveted prizes of the festival, winning the award for Best Film, Best Special Effects (Sergio boots), Best Actor (Mark Martin), Best Actress (Elisa Sensi) and Special Mention the Outstanding Interpretation (Ottaviano Blitch).
Recently the film was named one of the nine independent horror film of 2009, the most representative site in the world.
17. It was difficult to produce a film with a budget so small?
Yes, because the entire film's budget was made available by us and therefore we have tried to raise the share as high as possible. It was tough because we were all students or that students who had recently finished his studies. The film had three weeks of shooting and climbed every day more and more money from the budget. We used every penny and fortunately we have calculated the costs well and we managed to finish the shoot in peace. Unfortunately, if we had not believed in ourselves, the film would not exist today because production or distribution of any house believed in our project and in particular young people who would have sufficed for a negligible share a major company. Sorry to say, but in Italy the clichés are often true and if you do not have a name, your film does not produce any.
18. What kind is Ottaviano Blitch? Ottaviano Blitch is a very good interpreter. An Italian who has an American to do. A rock star, an eclectic person of great sympathy. For me it became a big brother. It was very nice to give him the character of "Butcher". I think that in Italy only he can create characters so outgoing and unconventional. He did it with class and with great mastery. I am proud of his scenes.
19. The whiteroseprd. When and how did? Who are its members besides you?
WHITEROSEprd. born January 9, 2006 by necessity, after a few years into my business to make a mark and a hallmark of my work group. We wanted it more that we are not saying those guys who make movies, but that we are the WHITEROSEprd. This for us was very important to create an entity that could represent under one name and that he could make us overlook the panorama of the other production houses, more professionally. It is part of a creative group that is the core and making use of external collaborations when start major new projects. The main group consists of 6 people (including me): Eleanor Stagi, N. Amanda Santi, Marco Martini, Elisa Sensi, Sara Lombardi. These people, as well as my colleagues are also my friends with whom I have a very beautiful relationship of friendship, trust and professionalism. We work in all phases of our creations, from script to production, post-production to marketing and promotion.
Apart from films, WHITEROSEprd. is expanding more and more with the production of commercials, music videos and footage of service (theater, dance, concerts). We are also casting agency and promote emerging and non-actors and actresses. Lately, we also meander in radio, where we hold a program on the film called A FILM TO RADIO (every Wednesday and Thursday from 18:00 to RVT).
20. The person you care more ...
The person I care most is to safer Stagi Eleanor because she follows me every day and at every stage. Along with me, when we're not on set or in assembly, care aspects of promotion, advertising and marketing. Aspects that are fundamental to know us and our products. When we're on the set is an essential element that helps me to better attend to the organizational and bureaucratic issues. A true ace in the hole. Not thank you enough for what he does and believes in what WHITEROSEprd.
21. What did he supported in your choices ...
The more people who have supported in the choices, they are my parents. Without them I could never take this road. They were the first to believe in me and what I do, maybe even before I did. They have always gone along with my choices and my attitude. I will never stop thanking them.
22. A dream to realize your ...
A dream of mine to make, given that the goal of screening at the cinema we have reached now, you have a large scale and distribution throughout Italy. We'll see what happens, if not with this film, perhaps with the next. Who knows?
23. What are your future plans?
Well, I have several ideas in mind that circle and wander here and there, but I still give him a more consistent and recognize its potential. An idea that excites me is to create a film sequence shot, but to do this in addition to an experienced crew and a sublime cast, it must also have an idea that allows it. We are also reading several scripts that have sent us. We hope to find a good idea even among these.
24. Tell me something about poetry, when the passion for writing
passion for writing and especially poetry certainly born before that for the cinema, just to give vent to the thoughts of the mind and emotions that would otherwise have gone to impress. At age 11 I began to write poetry, if one can call. However, more than a passion, I would call it a necessity, which was manifested and manifests itself in moments of great love or great pain. For example, even for long periods does not touch the pen, now, thanks to the amount of work for IN THE MARKET, is one of them. Over time, however, I was lucky enough to write and many of them gather in a collection titled SLEEP WHEN YOUR EYES.
25. What to write for you?
Writing for me is a release. Often my mind is full of thoughts and I can not find space to think of something else. Then I take a pen and I vent. Whether it be a list of things to buy or a poem. When I am at a particular moment, I happen to have a gigantic stream of consciousness "thoughts and write quickly that my mind gives birth. The next day I read everything and I find that most of the time are poems with rhythm and sound. I do not question the value of my poems, not Leopard, but certainly are pieces that tell of the great puzzle of my life.
26. Tell me about your book that will be presented on 20
My book while your eyes, sleep will be presented Dec. 20 at 18:00 at the Museum of Tobacco San Giustino. The book is a collection of poems that were written in more than 10 years. The presentation will be something unusual, because in addition to the readings, there will be choreographed by a dancer and especially the screening of short films taken from eight poems. With these videos I wanted to make the link between concrete and visual poetry and cinema. I do not know is right, because poetry is something ephemeral, fantastic, everyone can imagine at will. But on the other hand is how to create a film based on a book, the only difference being that in this case the director knows exactly what he wants to send the author of the poems!
27. Who is Lorenzo Lombardi?
Lorenzo Lombardi is a boy who is kidnapped by any motion picture!
Monica Mariani "The Chop"
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