Monday, June 14, 2010

Female Glory Holes Around Orlando


Review 880 - Section: Italian Horror. IN THE MARKET Lorenzo Lombardi.
Lorenzo Lombardi is "child prodigy" of Italian horror cinema! After watching his second feature film IN THE MARKET, BUT LIFE'S is the first, I found better expression to define the young and talented director 'Tiber'. He felt the need to own a return to the cinema of terror in style, genre too often mistreated in our country, and Lombardi gives us the opportunity in a silver platter ... ... indeed, in a market of horrors!
The film has been compared to various 'Hostel' and 'Saw' in office but, according to myself, for them far exceeds the clever use of the camera and an excellent script for breath 'Tarantino' case ... very quite unique in our cinematic landscape, see the robbery at the gas station in this regard.
continue, but above all an innovator, a genre that in the past has given so much to know our film making around the world thanks to the authors of the likes of Mario Bava, Riccardo Freda, Dario Argento and Lucio Fulci (to name only the most representative) ... the director Lombardi deserves attention and respect by the so-called critical 'cultured' to devote his such commitment and passion are felt in viewing the film, a genre that seemed almost extinct. The cast is composed of young players emerging Elisa Sensi, Scarlett Caiani and Marco Martini, all fell perfectly in hand, they can make their characters believable without ever falling into baracconesco. Even though all I think that certainly stands out Mark Martin after this beautiful proof found in many other works ... usually in these forecasts are not wrong ...
Alongside young players we surprised to see Ottaviano Blitch, fresh from successful films of John Veronesi 'Italians' and the film 'Shadow' of Frederick Zampagliene soon to be distributed. Blitch gives us a 'bad', a butcher, anthology worthy of the best Hannibal Lecter! Another pleasant surprise for those who like myself are avid movie buff, is participation in the film actress Gloria Coco in the part of certainly the most careful guy ... you know her last work directed by and starring Alberto Sordi in 1998: 'Dating forbidden' (later reissued as 'Marry me Father') where she played the mother of Federica (Valeria Marini). Finally, a film waiting to be discovered, which will hear a long time, which as I said back to a genre that very high levels around the world has given such recognition for our film. So to honor on the director Lorenzo Lombardi and his IN THE MARKET.
As soon as I plan to report the license in order to be included in the text 'Guide to Horror Movies Made in Italy' to Tentori and mussels, which in the previous edition are still at the titles' The Third Mother ',' The Hideout ',' Ghost son 'and' the Woods'.

for any error, inaccuracy, or simply to share your opinion, please send an e-mail at: @ daniele.floridi or, or you can comment on this review from www.

Daniel Floridi


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