------> FIRST STEP
Republic - December 7, 2008 Page 1 Section: FRONT PAGE
must immediately say that - even if for some unusual and improper - the 'initiative of the Head of State (requested information and documents for the investigation of Salerno and Catanzaro) has the merit of having returned to a sense of institutional conflict which took the 'uncontrollable intensity of a sidewalk brawl. Napolitano's move forced the Higher Judicial Council to intervene without the 'usual slow pace, heavy bureaucracy. The immediate hearings of the leaders of the two offices - the Public Prosecutor of Salerno and the attorney general Catanzaro - showed a disciplinary committee, troubled and bewildered, drug practices. The magistrates of Catanzaro were forced to strip naked by the magistrates of Salerno in their apartments during searches that have not spared even the backpacks of the child. Operations, with two alternates of the holders' investigation De Magistris, was attended by four other prosecutors without any formal delegation, as a private form of 'support to colleagues', with' job to keep an 'eye each, a magistrate investigated - usually as a token does not even anti-mafia actions. 'S initiative Salerno, was found, has been fed by statements of Luigi De Magistris, heard by sixty times (65) with no call. Then you realize, every time I had the desire or the need to record a new circumstance, suggestion, suspicion or recall of the plot that would have stopped, De Magistris prosecutors entered the room and made his testimony. A fortune and a 'little attention' complainants' attorney receive in Italian. The wrongs of Salerno do not oppose the reasons for the robes of Catanzaro. Who, humiliated by 'invasive' s raid, in turn, react with disdain, with an outrage. The Attorney General of Catanzaro, at that point, he knows Salerno and yet to be investigated by an order controsequestro offices in Salerno, in a state of absolute incompatibility. This framework of rules violated, is likely incomplete, has convinced a few hours to initiate the disciplinary committee against the attorney of Salerno and the Attorney General of Catanzaro, the leaders - so to speak - of "bands togate" means a process for transfer of 'office for environmental incompatibility: can not administer justice in the seat they occupy "in the conditions prescribed by the prestige of' judicial order." It 'a purely administrative measure and not sufficient for the disaster which has taken place. Now, if you want to listen to concerns of the President of the Republic, must move with the same timeliness of the CSM the attorney general of the Supreme Court, the owner of 'disciplinary action. Only a severe and rapid verification of responsibility and irresponsibility can restore trust in an order (power) state. Because ultimately this is the problem. We want to believe in a court, without fear and without hope, respect for the law, consistent with their intelligence and legal knowledge, by virtue of its institutional status, is guaranteed to every person. But if there are judges who do not even comply with their duty to attack and punish the other judges, what about the rights of the vulnerable and the less protected, the poor souls like us? To restore this confidence to the citizen and to reinforce the conviction that the judiciary is a right only if an autonomous and independent from any other power outside and inside, the protagonists of this depressing mixture must be enabled to not more harm to the State, the judiciary, citizens themselves. It must be ensured that, on 'outcome of this tragedy, do not weigh the pressures of lobbies togate, the agreements between the currents and weak compromises and settlements that have often undermined the role of the Council of the Judiciary. Of course, then it remains to clarify the substance of the Why Not investigation and Poseidon. What is this? It 'really was collected sufficient documentation to say that we are facing a power system failure and opaque, inhabited by freemasonries, cliques' s business, corrupt politicians at all levels and of all colors? Actually, the work of De Magistris - even before the 'break - appeared inadequate to prove allegations made especially and almost exclusively with the cell phone records collected by its mysterious and discussed technical advisor, Richard Jenkins, perhaps the real dominus investigations Calabria. However, a distillate of this poison and miasma can not remain without a serious investigation because then jump on a Berlusconi, accused "prescribed", amnesty, except in ad personam "laws that have changed in the course of 'work the process or the offense, the same man that defines a mafioso "a hero," Berlusconi jumps up - I repeat - to say that there is a "moral issue" that concerns us all. It 'just too much. If there is this rotten system of power, it is established. Come out the names of actors and accomplices. This reconstruction of a 'credible radiography of that criminal network, if you do not want the night, all cats displayed black. Why Not Today, and Poseidon, Salerno, Catanzaro and incompetent, incompetent Napoli (De Magistris works there) will end the prosecution of Rome. 'S office in the capital has not just a great story to boast in the investigation against Powers. In any case, no one can doubt that the head of state, with the same efficient alacrity with which it has stopped the gang war togate, will ensure that you check the 'existence of this "monster" that shook the serenity of Luigi De Magistris and ours. - JOSEPH 'S SURPLUS
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Republic - December 7, 2008 page 1 section: HOME
There 's one red flag on which our gaze must be taken to understand the causes and predict the effects with daily monitoring. There are three, which threaten our lives over the coming months fueling our uncertainties and our fears. Two patients national in scope and are the 'alarm on the functioning of justice and what is called the moral question. The third is worldwide and is the crisis of 'economy, U.S. recession now spread around the globe, the danger that the recession will turn into deflation, and this degrades further into depression. The American press now speaks fluently of "great depression, part 2" in reference to that of '29, the consequences of which devastated the U.S. and Europe' for eight years. There then took two more to begin a new cycle of economic growth whose monstrous engine was the 'arms industry and war broke out in 1939, with its millions and millions of deaths, including those Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the extermination of the 'Holocaust. Because of how it terrifying dimensions begin my remarks this Sunday from the third red alert. I'm looking for some months now but every day things happen and a new critical update is therefore necessary. In the eleven months elapsed from January 2008 until now the U.S. is in recession, first under the plaster, then exploded in June with the housing crisis. The six months passed since then have seen the lists of Wall Street lose more than 50 percent of their value as citizens of this country have a familiarity with the stock market unknown in the rest of the world is derived an impoverishment, but in the virtual part partly real, which impacted on consumption and investments. L 'effect, in a free market economy country, had an effect on' employment and has been growing from month to month. At present the facts have been destroyed in eleven months and one million one hundred thousand jobs, of which 200,000 in October and 536,000 in November. A 'frightening acceleration, according to the latest estimates, will exceed the first half of 2009, four million people. When Obama and his advisers say that the worst is yet to come to think exactly this: the specter of mass unemployment and therefore a reduction of income, especially in classes and ethnic groups most vulnerable, but not only. The balance between the destruction of income el 'seeming benefit of falling prices (due precisely to the fall in demand) will be strongly negative, depress consumption and investment, will send tens of thousands of bankrupt firms as part of it is already happening. Among the many negative germs that 'America has already scattered in the rest of' the West 's main effect is that the American engine was flooded and will remain so at the very least until 2011. But then start to pull as before? Joseph Stiglitz in an 'in our newspaper interview published yesterday, gives a negative answer to this question. American capitalism (and its model throughout the international capitalism) has lived for decades on speculative bubbles. It was the bubbles to beat than the piston engine U.S. locomotive of the rest of the world. The bubbles, which is the easy credit, that is speculation. But the bubbles, says Stiglitz, after the terrible crisis we are experiencing does not happen again. Not in the size we've seen all 'work in recent years. And then capitalism will no longer exist as what we have known for four fifths based on consumption. Probably take over a capitalism based on investment and on a redistribution of global wealth, and all 'inside of various countries, wealth among the various social classes. It would reverse the pattern (so far prevailing) see the redistribution of income and wealth as a result of employee the production of income and profits. It will be a redistribution to start production and economic engine of the piston. I remember those who did not know ol 'had forgotten that it was the' young then to advocate liberal Luigi Einaudi (it was 1911) a 'single tax based on consumption and a' wealth tax of succession beyond that of 'a certain threshold passive income with the assets' rate of 50 percent to be used to redistribute social wealth. Perhaps, with a century of delays, we are heading towards such solutions. We'll call him still capitalism? Or how? * * * Our government and our Minister of 'economists say things will get better in Italy because banks over here are stronger than elsewhere and the government accounts are "safe." Unless the debt, but because of that hole was created in the eighties and is concerned with the previous generation. Latter 'point of reasoning is correct, that our banks are sound is good reason to hope, but that our prospects are better than other countries is a hoax of the many that the government propina. We are not better, but we are definitely worse, keep us afloat 's € without which we'd long been under' water. We're worse because we do not have any money to spend. What we had was a strong action for recovery of 'tax avoidance which gave us more than 20 billion in 2006-7 to spend. This source has dried up. The demand has increased, the 'abolition of the' ICI has destroyed an income tax of 3 billion and a half 's year' s flag has cost at Alitalia 'Treasury 3 billion (if sufficient). So Tremonti did not have any money. To go ahead with the Italian scooter was obliged to submit a finance bill in July full of cuts. In order to survive the system gave last week a 'charity of 6 billion one-off families and businesses with a few cents extra for the invective to silence the Pope and the bishops for the cuts to Catholic schools (though those of the public school and all 'University remained fiercely all standing). Even in Italy, however, as elsewhere, the crisis has so far only scratched the skin but did not injure either the muscles or tendons. It consumes a little 'less you invest little or nothing (but this hiding of private and public investment has been for years a constant). Tremonti said the worst is coming and unfortunately right. The diagnosis is correct. The therapy is not c 'is for reasons of force majeure resulting from mistakes made six months ago. Should tell us how to get the premier and the minister 's Economy. Certainly not if it comes up with the calls to investors to subscribe to the Bot. Making it much less to blame 'opposition. Tremonti for the route of 'output appears to be to lay hands on postal savings deposits and loans of the Bank. It was hoped that the president CDP, Franco Bassanini, was opposed to the project so risky, but I hear that there was even one of the instigators. If it were true I'd be amazed. * * * I will set the two alarms national red: the crisis of justice and moral issue. The Prime Minister, in a speech yesterday in Pescara, has articulated that "in the Pd c 'is a moral issue." Il Corriere della Sera with an editorial on the front page of the Deputy Baptist, he chanted to 'Espresso published an' investigation of criminal investigations of some aldermen of the City of Florence and some reliable rumors about some sort of committee d 'Affairs on procurement of land in Naples. Tg1 on Friday evening too ' registered it as a top news 's investigation of' Espresso and interviewed in direct the director of that newspaper, Daniela Hamaui. A 'attention like that, the rest more than deserved by' friend and colleague who directs our weekly group and his collaborators, it is quite unusual by d 'in a newspaper that slalom skiing at the deeds and misdeeds and that of a newscast you just proud to be "impartial" even though many of his listeners do not realize it. I have never read an editorial in the Courier and never seen on the screens of Tg1 a colleague of the Republic or the 'Espresso complimented or asked to explain the public services, those services when documenting the moral issue in the parties and personalities starting from the center-right Berlusconi himself. I am not speaking of political judgments, I talk about malfeasance investigations. In recent years we have written hundreds, but none of them has had the opportunity to impose itself on public opinion outside of what we read (fortunately there are many). It is a pride of our group of journalists not to face with the colors of the flag of this or that when it comes to dishonesty. Giuseppe D 'Avanzo is a name for everyone. But it is suspicious and suspected that the relief is given by the so-called independent press and the public television service when the surveys include the reformist left and never when they relate to the characters of the center. As for newspapers and journalists to center is useless to try to put some of their article that examines the colors of their party. I'm not sure paid for it by their owners. C 'is a moral issue that concerns some people who hold positions of Pd public. Personally I do not think that relates to the mayor of Florence to protest his innocence he wanted chained to gate 's entry building where all the journalists working in our group. Bind seems like a gesture that smacks of rhetoric but I understand his suffering and his motives. That said, ruling the judges their truth. The suspects belong to which party has sovereignty over institutional mandates elected, can not compel a governor to resign Region or to a mayor who derive their powers from the electorate. But it can (in my opinion should) suspend from the party pending the findings of people prosecuted. In Florence should suspend the accused from the primary election for the office of mayor. In Naples, it should suspend the accused, if and when we know the names of a 'judicial inquiry under way. So too should stay the governor of Campania, who was also under investigation for some time. What's cooking at the Naples prosecutor for now not much is known. D 'Avanzo has spoken extensively in two recent articles from which I infer that there would be a sort of' committee 's business "made by politicians including important names in the center and center-league between them and, as a reference in Naples, Antonio Saladino, who has nothing to do with the fierce Saladin of the glorious figures of Perugina chocolate, but it was from 1995 to 2006 (ie for eleven years) the president of the League of the South Works , a subsidiary business of Communion and Liberation. Where do you see that the (alleged) bad apples are everywhere and when you sight that must be set aside not infected by the good. This is expected from a party led by respectable people. This indeed is the claim. From 'other political party expected little or nothing because there is the dishonesty at the top which obviously can not clean up his other traveling companions because, by definition, can reclaim itself. * * * The prosecution to Salerno and Catanzaro and the crisis of the court that prosecutors had in those few days in its most disturbing, he said it all with simple words so severe as the President of the Republic. It seems that there has been a sort of in those environments breath of madness, vanity, spite, megalomania that brought down the credibility of a few hours' entire judiciary and its pervasive power. The Minister of Justice is now seeking a constitutional Alfano bipartisan. We'll see how it will conduct in the coming weeks. It would be desirable that the 'word' bipartisan 'would not be confused with' incitement to 'opposition to approve a artifact of the majority with only the power to change a few commas and a few exclamation points. So far it has been so, and this explains the increasingly negative response of 'opposition. C 'is a point that does not require constitutional amendments and that I believe should be addressed: report to the chief prosecutor of the tribunal and the prosecutor of the court' s call the 'year of' criminal action is now known to chief deputies. Much of the current discrepancies in the prosecution arising from this subdivision that is extremely dangerous in my view, be abolished. - Eugenio Scalfari
Monday, December 8, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Blood Vessel Burst On Ubula
Raul Gardini & company
-------------------------------------- HISTORY
Raul Gardini (Ravenna , June 7, 1933 - Milan, July 23, 1993) was an Italian businessman.
Raul Gardini (Ravenna, June 7, 1933 - Milan, July 23, 1993) was an Italian businessman.
grow professionally holding entrepreneur Ravenna Serafino Ferruzzi, which is fortunate producing and trading grain and cement, where he became son marrying the daughter Ida. On the death of her father, Gardini became the administrator of the group companies, upon delegation of entrepreneurs from Ravenna four children.
The climb to Montedison
In the eighties, became famous for climbing to Montedison, which becomes contestable business due to some unscrupulous financial operations administrator for Mario Schimberni in his intentions to make a public company Montedison independent of the control exercised Mediobanca. The contestability of Montedison Gardini pushes to buy their shares, with the consent of Enrico Cuccia, who lost control of the petrochemical company.
The birth and the failure of Enimont
Following ENI Gardini realized with the merger of the chemical activities of the two groups, founding Enimont, including ENI and Montedison own 40% each, the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bis in the hands of the stock market. The attempt to Gardini to buy 20% stake in the market leads to the rupture of relations with ENI and the decision to sell its 40% to the latter. Part
the vast amount of money collected is used to pay bribes to the political system that, in deciding the tax exemption of capital gains arising from the payment of part of Montedison activities Enimont dell'Enimont made possible the birth itself.
Later, Gardini is the protagonist of financial speculation and fortunate little unfortunate business decisions that first led him to leave office within the Ferruzzi-Montedison group and then, once uncovered kickbacks generated from the sale of 40% of Enimont suicide. They found him dead in his home in Milan on July 23, 1993. The investigation concluded that he had fired a gunshot to the head, but the reasons and dynamics of the death of the many questions still remain (the gun was found placed on the table, away from the corpse).
Gardini and Sport
Gardini's figure is also linked to sport and in particular the America's Cup, which the Moor of Venice, the boat built by Gardini and funded by Montedison, was the star in 1992. Won the Louis Vuitton Cup, the crew Moro, headed by Paul Cayard, was defeated by America ³ in San Diego (USA). But the world owes much to the Ravenna volleyball Raul Gardini and the Ferruzzi group: the historic epic of Olimpia Teodora Manu Benelli and Sergio Guerra (soybean oil "Theodora" was produced by the Italian Oil & Risi, a subsidiary of Ferruzzi ) in the women's volleyball, the extraordinary years of Il Messaggero Volleyball Karch Kiraly and Steve Timmons (Il Messaggero newspaper was owned by Montedison), until the construction of the beautiful palace of sports named after André De Mauro, director of the Ferruzzi group who died tragically and brother of famous singer-songwriter Fabrizio De André, who is on the road from the city that leads to Marina di Ravenna.
boats bearing the name Moor of Venice are nine: the first three were white with green waterline. Another five have competed in Copa America in 1992, and a Maxi of 24 Mt in composites built in Australia later called - The Moro IX.
The history of these famous inbarcazioni in 1976 year when Raul Gardini with the backing of his son, the rich Serafino Ferruzzi, from 'the beginning of the first realizazzione sloop-Mt 20:41.
At the height of fame 'earned through the Moor of Venice, Gardini found himself' convolto in two very serious offenses to merge the company '(Enimont-State) administered by Gardini and Montedison.
Gardini would have paid to politicians, the sum of 152 billion, and he himself would have directly benefited from an over-collected $ 800 billion. This and other aspects
scandal led to the untimely death of Raul Gardini.
Referring to his naval achievements, the American magazine "TIME" (1993) comment so his death: He will be remembered as a brilliant symbol of his time, a captain of industry and a world-class sailor. For this historic
boat international prestige and 'being in California, a professional restoration to bring it back to its former glory. Mr. Aldo Caretti
CHRONICLE Abducted Cement giant 'Funds for blacks mafia "
Among those arrested the managing director, Mario Colombini
Money bosses, the leaders in cell
from our correspondent EXCEPT PALAZZOLO
The interior of the Sicilian society Concrete
CALTANISSETTA - Nineteen days before his death, June 30, 1992, Paolo Borsellino was to discover the secret: "The Concretes spa Totò Riina is concerned," he says sorry Leonardo Messina. But there remained more time to investigate. It took sixteen years to bring out the mysteries of the giant Italian cement. And now, the arrest of the managing director of the Bergamo, Mario Colombini, suggests that this is not just a story of the past, when Riina was free. According nisseni
judges, the heads of the concretes would continue to work alongside the most trusted manager of Cosa Nostra. As a reward for services and investment management company would offer lavish patrons parcels, taken from the funds created by blacks with a double production management. That is, the cost of "mafia" would have been amortized on the concrete for public works: it was declared delivery of a quantity, much less was loaded into the mixer. A former driver
Calcestruzzi arrested in recent months is that the penitent is revealing many secrets to the magistrates, who are not only in Sicily. For this reason, the investigating judge Giovanbattista Tona has ordered the seizure of the entire society and a legacy that amounts to 600 million euro. Together with Colombini, also ended up in handcuffs Fausto Volante, Area Director for Sicily and the Campania region of concrete and two of his former predecessors, Francesco Librizzi and Joseph Laurino.
For all the accusations of fraud, fraud in public supplies and heading fictitious assets, with the aggravating circumstance of having facilitated the mafia organization. Surveys department of operational police in Caltanissetta Gico and finance have already acquired a great deal of documentation after the latest raids.
Now, the head of the Concrete is a judicial administrator.
But controversy is already in the business world. "If the company does not reflect the latest directives of Confindustria, it should be ousted immediately," says Vincent Divella, company director and chairman of the homonymous province of Bari: "It may be an opportunity to clean up. In the South, the Mafia is still very present, when a company enters into never left it. "
So it would be for the Concretes. "I do not even pay protection money - explained Angelo Siino, Minister of Public Works of the Cosa Nostra, now associate justice - the company was a direct emanation of Buscemi.
were the favorite manager of Riina and Provenzano, the connecting link with the leaders of the concrete in Sicily is not yet clear Raul Gardini had understood as the collusion of his manager.
in Caltanissetta, is another investigation going on for months to find out the real reasons for the suicide baron of Ravenna, in '93. What is certain is that only the mysteries of this story remains in a concrete plant in the heart of Sicily, Riesi.
There, the giant cement arrived in the Eighties. explain the repentant "Riina ordered, we must not disturb them. "
Today, Italcementi says:" Full cooperation with the judiciary, opposition to any contiguity. For some time, the deficiencies identified, had already ceased operations in Sicily. "
(January 31, 2008) -------------------------
Gardini and godparents of Joseph White and Piero Messina
Two shots fired from his gun.
The pressures of the men of Riina.
And the link with the killing Borsellino.
why the investigation was reopened into the death Totò Riina
When the last day of June 1992 Leonardo Messina agreed to cooperate with the prosecutor Paolo Borsellino, the first mafioso to repent after the massacre in Capaci,
Raul Gardini was still at the helm of the Moor of Venice: the successful entrepreneur who had held Italians glued to TV for live coverage of the America's Cup night, provided by 'his' tv. But
quell'interrogatorio Messina, a small boss on the shocking revelations by the global network of Cosa Nostra, said bluntly:
"Toto Riina his money keeps them in concrete."
was transcribed beginning with 'c' lower-case as if it were any cement factory, but the man of honor once pointed out:
"I mean Calcestruzzi spa.
That is, the giant public works leader Italian industry possessed the even more powerful Ferruzzi family, but according to this mafia of the province of Caltanissetta, in fact controlled by the godfather more fierce.
Borsellino was struck by these words:
aftermath of the killing of Giovanni Falcone Ros had reopened the file of the monopoly procurement.
A radiograph of the plot between quarrying and construction which is the lung of Cosa Nostra: to build relationships with politicians and with the bourgeoisie of professionals, to create jobs and mark the domain of the territory.
and earn increasingly large sums. "But if there are many people who can riciciclare few billion pounds," said Borsellino aftermath interrogation of Messina, "when you have to invest hundreds of billions there are few willing to do so.
Entrepreneurs important in the mafia do not trust but can not do without.
is one of the fronts on which we are working."
The Sicilian prosecutor did not have time to go ahead: 19 days after he was swept away dall'autobomba Via d'Amelio.
A year later, even Gardini left the scene.
nisseni why judges have reopened the investigation on the end of Gardini. And they did so with the conviction that it was to determine what our the disappearance of the 'peasants' who had challenged the finance and politics, then drop everything after the failure of the deal Enimont. Prosecutors have ordered the DIA to the investigators to start from scratch, without neglecting anything. Calling for a new ballistics expert, in the hope that today's technologies can better reconstruct the dynamics of the shot. They do highlighting disturbing hypothesis: the gun fired two shots. One way unusual for a suicide. Especially since no one heard the detonations: according to the reconstruction, only after several minutes the body was found in a pool of blood by the butler. Beside him on the bed, the weapon. On a mobile ticket: the names of his children and his wife, followed by a single word 'Thank you'. A business that, according to an expert, could well have been written months earlier. But the whole crime scene was disturbed by rescuers: can not find some references. For this reason, the prosecutor's office asked the experts clarify the issue of bullets. But it also wants to suffer from Give all family members and actors of those days of July 1993, the summer when the horror of massacres, financial crashes, deaths and arrests excellent changed the history of Italy. The first to be questioned as a witness will Idina Ferruzzi, his wife has never believed in suicide.
The massacre in via D'Amelio's Attorney
old Caltanissetta starts from a hypothesis, already traveled in vain with an investigation dubbed 'criminal systems' and closed with the filing: behind the massacres of 1992-93 there was the intention of what our investigation to prevent any monopoly on procurement. Now the prosecutors of Caltanissetta would enjoy new facts, some still secret, since the developments in the rebuilding of relationships with Buscemi, godfathers of Passo di Rigano: the estate of Salvatore Inzerillo, entrusted to them by Toto Riina in war for the loyalty and in business. Ten years ago it was discovered that the group Gardini and Buscemi were essentially members: each controls 50 percent of the Fins, created for doing business on the island. Then in '97 Fund, created by the collapse of Ferruzzi, sells everything Italcementi. In Sicily, however, according to surveys, the hands of the Mafia are still clinging to the Concretes. A few days ago to end up in prison Riesi boss, Salvatore Paterna, an employee of Concrete Spa, Joseph Ferraro, owner of the quarry and Billiemi Joseph John Laurino, called 'ù Gracciano', responsible for local company. People can keep secrets so provincial that have shaken the elite of Italian finance? Some of the most important repented in the last decade, among them Giovanni Brusca and Angelo Siino, stressed that the issue of the concrete was strategic for the people of Corleone. Falcone and Borsellino also would have moved on the same track. The request for storage investigation 'criminal systems' prosecutors wrote: "Already in 1991 they opened their own investigation and disturbing scenarios if they had been carried out on the completeness and timeliness, supported by a specific temporal context, and environmental policy would have a disruptive impact on the system Italian economic and political even before or simultaneously to Tangentopoli. At stake were billions investments and key relationships for the mafia, who were defended at all costs. But if the bombs had cleared the two men a symbol of Palermo, the pool of Milan was able to move forward. Until July 23, 1993, when Gardini should have been present to answer charges on tangentone Enimont and relations between Ferruzzi and parties. All of which, his lawyers said at the time, was ready to make: until the late evening he had discussed the deposition, showing the determination of the time. The next morning, however, Gardini is found dead. Possible that the pressures of Cosa Nostra have weighed on this gesture? You may have been a murder? I am asking the Dia to use every tool to leave no doubt. And to investigate any possible connection with the bomb in Milan, exploded in the aftermath of the funeral via Palestro. According to the records of the trial, the bombers were wrong to target a few hundred meters. And Palace Belgaum, Gardini residence, was not far away.
(August 10, 2006)
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October 2006
The relationship between Cosa Nostra and Raul Gardini
those ties too long forgotten
Nicole Biondo
The magistrates of Caltanissetta, in possession of new evidence that would confirm the strong similarity between the Ferruzzi Raul Gardini - suicide in 1993 - and Cosa Nostra, recently asked the Anti-Mafia Investigation Department to resume the investigation into the death of the entrepreneur. In fact, ten years ago the pleadings and documents of the departments of excellence of the Guardia di Finanza and the police were talking about the marriage between the company and the Sicilian bosses Ravenna
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Is there any link that connects the parable of Raul Gardini Italian economy in the world and the affairs of Cosa Nostra?
This is the question that the judges of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Caltanissetta, which recently opened a new investigation into the disappearance of Gardini, the owner of the Ferruzzi Group, who committed suicide on July 23, 1993, must comply.
An old story, yet the current white-collar mafia contracts, rigged or monopoly of laundering hundreds of millions of euro through the salons of Italian capitalism.
A story that goes far away and could also shed light on the season stragista of Cosa Nostra: the search for a new covenant with the political power when the First Republic was about to collapse, and with it the old contacts in the mafia.
Because he wants to see the legend at all costs any connection between the glossy world of the financier of Ravenna and the dark of the Mafia is not only based on "is" or the word of repentance. There are
pleadings, a great deal of documentation, coming from places of excellence and the Guardia di Finanza police Sco, which really tell a different story and very strong ties that bind in Ravenna, capital of the Ferruzzi, and the heart Cosa Nostra in Palermo and its province, stronghold of the Corleonesi.
Concrete spa in the heart of the company boss. The
story begins in the 80's. A history of which were certainly aware of Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino, and judicially that ended only in 2002, with the sentencing of the former manager of the Ferruzzi Lorenzo Panzavolta for housing development in unfair competition with members of the mafia.
After the "coup" inside the Dome, the Corleonesi decided a new strategy in the context of public and private, relying on one of the most loyal families, one of Buscemi-Bonura, owner of a company, Calcestruzzi Palermo spa has always been the heart and wallet of the leaders of the Cosa Nostra. Riina was in person to make it into the great game of contracts, and a decade ago Binnu Provenzano even mentioned in his (now famous) pizzini.
The relationship between members of Cosa Nostra and some companies of the Ferruzzi group, wanting to read the sentences, starting from this company in the early 80's.
investigation that saw manager convicted of holding Ravenna, in competition with members of Cosa Nostra, it was found that "the relationship between the group of Ravenna and Buscemi (as regards, Calcestruzzi Palermo spa) beginning in 1982 when Calcestruzzi of Ravenna, managed by Panza Lorenzo, Antonino Buscemi purchases from 40% of the share capital of Cava Eye based in Palermo "Gip Renato Grillo, prosecutor of Palermo, 2 October 1997,
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Enimont all doomed
party funding: Penalties for Forlani,
Pomicino and Martelli. A Sama and Pink 4 years and 8 months
Enimont, all doomed to Craxi
Four years, eight months and six Bossi La Malfa
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party funding: Penalties for Forlani, Pomicino and Martelli. A Sama and Pink 4 years and 8 months TITLE: Enimont, all doomed to Craxi Four years, eight months and six Bossi La Malfa - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LONDON. All condemned for 'Enimont. In a surprise move, the fifth section of the Court delivered yesterday dribbling the sentence 's last opposition. Craxi for 4 years, 4 months to 2 years and Arnaldo Forlani and Paolo Pomicino, a year for Claudio Martelli. Eight months to Umberto Bossi and his treasurer Alessandro Patelli, for the bribe of 200 million. Six months in La Malfa. Harsh punishments for the last board of Montedison, Carlo Sama and Giuseppe Garofano: 4 years and 8 months, more 'than he had requested the indictment of Peter' s farewell. The trial was stopped in February because of instances in the Supreme Court against President Romeo Simi de Burgis.
-------------------------------------- HISTORY
Raul Gardini (Ravenna , June 7, 1933 - Milan, July 23, 1993) was an Italian businessman.

Raul Gardini (Ravenna, June 7, 1933 - Milan, July 23, 1993) was an Italian businessman.
grow professionally holding entrepreneur Ravenna Serafino Ferruzzi, which is fortunate producing and trading grain and cement, where he became son marrying the daughter Ida. On the death of her father, Gardini became the administrator of the group companies, upon delegation of entrepreneurs from Ravenna four children.
The climb to Montedison
In the eighties, became famous for climbing to Montedison, which becomes contestable business due to some unscrupulous financial operations administrator for Mario Schimberni in his intentions to make a public company Montedison independent of the control exercised Mediobanca. The contestability of Montedison Gardini pushes to buy their shares, with the consent of Enrico Cuccia, who lost control of the petrochemical company.
The birth and the failure of Enimont
Following ENI Gardini realized with the merger of the chemical activities of the two groups, founding Enimont, including ENI and Montedison own 40% each, the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bis in the hands of the stock market. The attempt to Gardini to buy 20% stake in the market leads to the rupture of relations with ENI and the decision to sell its 40% to the latter. Part
the vast amount of money collected is used to pay bribes to the political system that, in deciding the tax exemption of capital gains arising from the payment of part of Montedison activities Enimont dell'Enimont made possible the birth itself.
Later, Gardini is the protagonist of financial speculation and fortunate little unfortunate business decisions that first led him to leave office within the Ferruzzi-Montedison group and then, once uncovered kickbacks generated from the sale of 40% of Enimont suicide. They found him dead in his home in Milan on July 23, 1993. The investigation concluded that he had fired a gunshot to the head, but the reasons and dynamics of the death of the many questions still remain (the gun was found placed on the table, away from the corpse).
Gardini and Sport
Gardini's figure is also linked to sport and in particular the America's Cup, which the Moor of Venice, the boat built by Gardini and funded by Montedison, was the star in 1992. Won the Louis Vuitton Cup, the crew Moro, headed by Paul Cayard, was defeated by America ³ in San Diego (USA). But the world owes much to the Ravenna volleyball Raul Gardini and the Ferruzzi group: the historic epic of Olimpia Teodora Manu Benelli and Sergio Guerra (soybean oil "Theodora" was produced by the Italian Oil & Risi, a subsidiary of Ferruzzi ) in the women's volleyball, the extraordinary years of Il Messaggero Volleyball Karch Kiraly and Steve Timmons (Il Messaggero newspaper was owned by Montedison), until the construction of the beautiful palace of sports named after André De Mauro, director of the Ferruzzi group who died tragically and brother of famous singer-songwriter Fabrizio De André, who is on the road from the city that leads to Marina di Ravenna.

boats bearing the name Moor of Venice are nine: the first three were white with green waterline. Another five have competed in Copa America in 1992, and a Maxi of 24 Mt in composites built in Australia later called - The Moro IX.
The history of these famous inbarcazioni in 1976 year when Raul Gardini with the backing of his son, the rich Serafino Ferruzzi, from 'the beginning of the first realizazzione sloop-Mt 20:41.
At the height of fame 'earned through the Moor of Venice, Gardini found himself' convolto in two very serious offenses to merge the company '(Enimont-State) administered by Gardini and Montedison.
Gardini would have paid to politicians, the sum of 152 billion, and he himself would have directly benefited from an over-collected $ 800 billion. This and other aspects
scandal led to the untimely death of Raul Gardini.
Referring to his naval achievements, the American magazine "TIME" (1993) comment so his death: He will be remembered as a brilliant symbol of his time, a captain of industry and a world-class sailor. For this historic
boat international prestige and 'being in California, a professional restoration to bring it back to its former glory. Mr. Aldo Caretti
CHRONICLE Abducted Cement giant 'Funds for blacks mafia "
Among those arrested the managing director, Mario Colombini
Money bosses, the leaders in cell
from our correspondent EXCEPT PALAZZOLO
The interior of the Sicilian society Concrete
CALTANISSETTA - Nineteen days before his death, June 30, 1992, Paolo Borsellino was to discover the secret: "The Concretes spa Totò Riina is concerned," he says sorry Leonardo Messina. But there remained more time to investigate. It took sixteen years to bring out the mysteries of the giant Italian cement. And now, the arrest of the managing director of the Bergamo, Mario Colombini, suggests that this is not just a story of the past, when Riina was free. According nisseni
judges, the heads of the concretes would continue to work alongside the most trusted manager of Cosa Nostra. As a reward for services and investment management company would offer lavish patrons parcels, taken from the funds created by blacks with a double production management. That is, the cost of "mafia" would have been amortized on the concrete for public works: it was declared delivery of a quantity, much less was loaded into the mixer. A former driver
Calcestruzzi arrested in recent months is that the penitent is revealing many secrets to the magistrates, who are not only in Sicily. For this reason, the investigating judge Giovanbattista Tona has ordered the seizure of the entire society and a legacy that amounts to 600 million euro. Together with Colombini, also ended up in handcuffs Fausto Volante, Area Director for Sicily and the Campania region of concrete and two of his former predecessors, Francesco Librizzi and Joseph Laurino.
For all the accusations of fraud, fraud in public supplies and heading fictitious assets, with the aggravating circumstance of having facilitated the mafia organization. Surveys department of operational police in Caltanissetta Gico and finance have already acquired a great deal of documentation after the latest raids.
Now, the head of the Concrete is a judicial administrator.
But controversy is already in the business world. "If the company does not reflect the latest directives of Confindustria, it should be ousted immediately," says Vincent Divella, company director and chairman of the homonymous province of Bari: "It may be an opportunity to clean up. In the South, the Mafia is still very present, when a company enters into never left it. "
So it would be for the Concretes. "I do not even pay protection money - explained Angelo Siino, Minister of Public Works of the Cosa Nostra, now associate justice - the company was a direct emanation of Buscemi.
were the favorite manager of Riina and Provenzano, the connecting link with the leaders of the concrete in Sicily is not yet clear Raul Gardini had understood as the collusion of his manager.

in Caltanissetta, is another investigation going on for months to find out the real reasons for the suicide baron of Ravenna, in '93. What is certain is that only the mysteries of this story remains in a concrete plant in the heart of Sicily, Riesi.
There, the giant cement arrived in the Eighties. explain the repentant "Riina ordered, we must not disturb them. "
Today, Italcementi says:" Full cooperation with the judiciary, opposition to any contiguity. For some time, the deficiencies identified, had already ceased operations in Sicily. "
(January 31, 2008) -------------------------
Gardini and godparents of Joseph White and Piero Messina
Two shots fired from his gun.
The pressures of the men of Riina.
And the link with the killing Borsellino.
why the investigation was reopened into the death Totò Riina
When the last day of June 1992 Leonardo Messina agreed to cooperate with the prosecutor Paolo Borsellino, the first mafioso to repent after the massacre in Capaci,
Raul Gardini was still at the helm of the Moor of Venice: the successful entrepreneur who had held Italians glued to TV for live coverage of the America's Cup night, provided by 'his' tv. But
quell'interrogatorio Messina, a small boss on the shocking revelations by the global network of Cosa Nostra, said bluntly:
"Toto Riina his money keeps them in concrete."
was transcribed beginning with 'c' lower-case as if it were any cement factory, but the man of honor once pointed out:
"I mean Calcestruzzi spa.
That is, the giant public works leader Italian industry possessed the even more powerful Ferruzzi family, but according to this mafia of the province of Caltanissetta, in fact controlled by the godfather more fierce.
Borsellino was struck by these words:
aftermath of the killing of Giovanni Falcone Ros had reopened the file of the monopoly procurement.
A radiograph of the plot between quarrying and construction which is the lung of Cosa Nostra: to build relationships with politicians and with the bourgeoisie of professionals, to create jobs and mark the domain of the territory.
and earn increasingly large sums. "But if there are many people who can riciciclare few billion pounds," said Borsellino aftermath interrogation of Messina, "when you have to invest hundreds of billions there are few willing to do so.
Entrepreneurs important in the mafia do not trust but can not do without.
is one of the fronts on which we are working."
The Sicilian prosecutor did not have time to go ahead: 19 days after he was swept away dall'autobomba Via d'Amelio.
A year later, even Gardini left the scene.
Two dead, according to the prosecutors of Caltanissetta, are directly linked.
nisseni why judges have reopened the investigation on the end of Gardini. And they did so with the conviction that it was to determine what our the disappearance of the 'peasants' who had challenged the finance and politics, then drop everything after the failure of the deal Enimont. Prosecutors have ordered the DIA to the investigators to start from scratch, without neglecting anything. Calling for a new ballistics expert, in the hope that today's technologies can better reconstruct the dynamics of the shot. They do highlighting disturbing hypothesis: the gun fired two shots. One way unusual for a suicide. Especially since no one heard the detonations: according to the reconstruction, only after several minutes the body was found in a pool of blood by the butler. Beside him on the bed, the weapon. On a mobile ticket: the names of his children and his wife, followed by a single word 'Thank you'. A business that, according to an expert, could well have been written months earlier. But the whole crime scene was disturbed by rescuers: can not find some references. For this reason, the prosecutor's office asked the experts clarify the issue of bullets. But it also wants to suffer from Give all family members and actors of those days of July 1993, the summer when the horror of massacres, financial crashes, deaths and arrests excellent changed the history of Italy. The first to be questioned as a witness will Idina Ferruzzi, his wife has never believed in suicide.
The massacre in via D'Amelio's Attorney
old Caltanissetta starts from a hypothesis, already traveled in vain with an investigation dubbed 'criminal systems' and closed with the filing: behind the massacres of 1992-93 there was the intention of what our investigation to prevent any monopoly on procurement. Now the prosecutors of Caltanissetta would enjoy new facts, some still secret, since the developments in the rebuilding of relationships with Buscemi, godfathers of Passo di Rigano: the estate of Salvatore Inzerillo, entrusted to them by Toto Riina in war for the loyalty and in business. Ten years ago it was discovered that the group Gardini and Buscemi were essentially members: each controls 50 percent of the Fins, created for doing business on the island. Then in '97 Fund, created by the collapse of Ferruzzi, sells everything Italcementi. In Sicily, however, according to surveys, the hands of the Mafia are still clinging to the Concretes. A few days ago to end up in prison Riesi boss, Salvatore Paterna, an employee of Concrete Spa, Joseph Ferraro, owner of the quarry and Billiemi Joseph John Laurino, called 'ù Gracciano', responsible for local company. People can keep secrets so provincial that have shaken the elite of Italian finance? Some of the most important repented in the last decade, among them Giovanni Brusca and Angelo Siino, stressed that the issue of the concrete was strategic for the people of Corleone. Falcone and Borsellino also would have moved on the same track. The request for storage investigation 'criminal systems' prosecutors wrote: "Already in 1991 they opened their own investigation and disturbing scenarios if they had been carried out on the completeness and timeliness, supported by a specific temporal context, and environmental policy would have a disruptive impact on the system Italian economic and political even before or simultaneously to Tangentopoli. At stake were billions investments and key relationships for the mafia, who were defended at all costs. But if the bombs had cleared the two men a symbol of Palermo, the pool of Milan was able to move forward. Until July 23, 1993, when Gardini should have been present to answer charges on tangentone Enimont and relations between Ferruzzi and parties. All of which, his lawyers said at the time, was ready to make: until the late evening he had discussed the deposition, showing the determination of the time. The next morning, however, Gardini is found dead. Possible that the pressures of Cosa Nostra have weighed on this gesture? You may have been a murder? I am asking the Dia to use every tool to leave no doubt. And to investigate any possible connection with the bomb in Milan, exploded in the aftermath of the funeral via Palestro. According to the records of the trial, the bombers were wrong to target a few hundred meters. And Palace Belgaum, Gardini residence, was not far away.
(August 10, 2006)
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October 2006
The relationship between Cosa Nostra and Raul Gardini
those ties too long forgotten
Nicole Biondo
The magistrates of Caltanissetta, in possession of new evidence that would confirm the strong similarity between the Ferruzzi Raul Gardini - suicide in 1993 - and Cosa Nostra, recently asked the Anti-Mafia Investigation Department to resume the investigation into the death of the entrepreneur. In fact, ten years ago the pleadings and documents of the departments of excellence of the Guardia di Finanza and the police were talking about the marriage between the company and the Sicilian bosses Ravenna
------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ------------
Is there any link that connects the parable of Raul Gardini Italian economy in the world and the affairs of Cosa Nostra?
This is the question that the judges of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Caltanissetta, which recently opened a new investigation into the disappearance of Gardini, the owner of the Ferruzzi Group, who committed suicide on July 23, 1993, must comply.
An old story, yet the current white-collar mafia contracts, rigged or monopoly of laundering hundreds of millions of euro through the salons of Italian capitalism.
A story that goes far away and could also shed light on the season stragista of Cosa Nostra: the search for a new covenant with the political power when the First Republic was about to collapse, and with it the old contacts in the mafia.
Because he wants to see the legend at all costs any connection between the glossy world of the financier of Ravenna and the dark of the Mafia is not only based on "is" or the word of repentance. There are
pleadings, a great deal of documentation, coming from places of excellence and the Guardia di Finanza police Sco, which really tell a different story and very strong ties that bind in Ravenna, capital of the Ferruzzi, and the heart Cosa Nostra in Palermo and its province, stronghold of the Corleonesi.
Concrete spa in the heart of the company boss. The
story begins in the 80's. A history of which were certainly aware of Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino, and judicially that ended only in 2002, with the sentencing of the former manager of the Ferruzzi Lorenzo Panzavolta for housing development in unfair competition with members of the mafia.
After the "coup" inside the Dome, the Corleonesi decided a new strategy in the context of public and private, relying on one of the most loyal families, one of Buscemi-Bonura, owner of a company, Calcestruzzi Palermo spa has always been the heart and wallet of the leaders of the Cosa Nostra. Riina was in person to make it into the great game of contracts, and a decade ago Binnu Provenzano even mentioned in his (now famous) pizzini.
The relationship between members of Cosa Nostra and some companies of the Ferruzzi group, wanting to read the sentences, starting from this company in the early 80's.
investigation that saw manager convicted of holding Ravenna, in competition with members of Cosa Nostra, it was found that "the relationship between the group of Ravenna and Buscemi (as regards, Calcestruzzi Palermo spa) beginning in 1982 when Calcestruzzi of Ravenna, managed by Panza Lorenzo, Antonino Buscemi purchases from 40% of the share capital of Cava Eye based in Palermo "Gip Renato Grillo, prosecutor of Palermo, 2 October 1997,
---------- -----------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------- -
Enimont all doomed
party funding: Penalties for Forlani,
Pomicino and Martelli. A Sama and Pink 4 years and 8 months
Enimont, all doomed to Craxi
Four years, eight months and six Bossi La Malfa
------------------- PUBLISHED ------ ---------
party funding: Penalties for Forlani, Pomicino and Martelli. A Sama and Pink 4 years and 8 months TITLE: Enimont, all doomed to Craxi Four years, eight months and six Bossi La Malfa - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LONDON. All condemned for 'Enimont. In a surprise move, the fifth section of the Court delivered yesterday dribbling the sentence 's last opposition. Craxi for 4 years, 4 months to 2 years and Arnaldo Forlani and Paolo Pomicino, a year for Claudio Martelli. Eight months to Umberto Bossi and his treasurer Alessandro Patelli, for the bribe of 200 million. Six months in La Malfa. Harsh punishments for the last board of Montedison, Carlo Sama and Giuseppe Garofano: 4 years and 8 months, more 'than he had requested the indictment of Peter' s farewell. The trial was stopped in February because of instances in the Supreme Court against President Romeo Simi de Burgis.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Kate´s Playground Leaked
Sometimes you do not remember the birthdays of others, but remember its not the last straw! Fortunately, there who you remember and then it happens that you see yourself presenting this "thing". The beautiful and the good will save us ... enough, however, that we do not eat too much!
Macchiseneimporta! E 'or not is my birthday cake?
frangipane tart and fresh fruit
For the pastry: 200 g cold butter 200 g sugar 4 egg yolks + 1 egg 500 g flour 00 vanilla
the frangipane: 100 g soft butter 100 g icing sugar 100 g almond flour 2 eggs 30 g flour 00
for the custard: 400 g of whole milk 150 grams of high quality extra-fine granulated sugar 100 g egg yolks 50 g cornstarch vanilla
fresh fruit to decorate
Prepare the pastry and line a mold to make the base of the tart.
Prepare the frangipane in a mixing bowl the softened butter and icing sugar.
Add eggs, one at a time, the ground almonds and flour 00.
Pour the mixture on the pastry base and bake at 175 degrees for 40 minutes.
Prepare the pastry cream, let cool and pour it on the tart. Garnish with fresh fruit (blueberries and blackberries are here) polished with a little 'jelly.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Hobo Man Toilet Paper Holder
April 24 Easter Monday and the first birthday
Here is the birthday girl! Quite rightly decided to taste the cake that I made : A base of meringue-coated very lightly with dark chocolate, a layer of vanilla Bavarian and garnish, color, cheer, big strawberries covered with chocolate and candied violets. And while
took place within the first spring festival, there were swirls and splashes out of white flakes dancing in the branches of peach trees and almond trees in bloom. Beautiful, all very nice. Even suggestive. And maybe even expected to almost 700 meters above sea ...
But would not it have been better, just one, single, pale and timid ray of sun?
Here is the birthday girl! Quite rightly decided to taste the cake that I made : A base of meringue-coated very lightly with dark chocolate, a layer of vanilla Bavarian and garnish, color, cheer, big strawberries covered with chocolate and candied violets. And while
took place within the first spring festival, there were swirls and splashes out of white flakes dancing in the branches of peach trees and almond trees in bloom. Beautiful, all very nice. Even suggestive. And maybe even expected to almost 700 meters above sea ...
But would not it have been better, just one, single, pale and timid ray of sun?
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Spiral Stair Hand Rails
Et voila! Out of the first. It does not seem too bad, indeed. I can not wait to hear how coming, but I have to wait until tomorrow morning moment of the feast of Easter in our region. For us, the Easter breakfast was almost always the most important meal of the rich and varied, with various meats and classic cheesecake, eggs and offal of lamb done in a pan, then of course the chocolate eggs and sweet pizzas . No doves. To drink there was the Vernaccia of Cannock, a lot of red wine and a pleasant sweet taste.
Hello Dad, remember? were always one of the last to go down for breakfast and only for that magnificent Easter wore long silk robe, striped gray and burgundy. You were the center of the room, you were the center of the family, you were the center of my life. I want you so well now as then, my sweet daddy.
But that takes me, you are always with me, indeed you are always with us and come down tomorrow morning to have breakfast with your beautiful gown. I know, you do not like the cheesecake, do not worry there is some very good bread Strettura.
Et voila! Out of the first. It does not seem too bad, indeed. I can not wait to hear how coming, but I have to wait until tomorrow morning moment of the feast of Easter in our region. For us, the Easter breakfast was almost always the most important meal of the rich and varied, with various meats and classic cheesecake, eggs and offal of lamb done in a pan, then of course the chocolate eggs and sweet pizzas . No doves. To drink there was the Vernaccia of Cannock, a lot of red wine and a pleasant sweet taste.
Hello Dad, remember? were always one of the last to go down for breakfast and only for that magnificent Easter wore long silk robe, striped gray and burgundy. You were the center of the room, you were the center of the family, you were the center of my life. I want you so well now as then, my sweet daddy.
But that takes me, you are always with me, indeed you are always with us and come down tomorrow morning to have breakfast with your beautiful gown. I know, you do not like the cheesecake, do not worry there is some very good bread Strettura.
Descargar Cliente De Illusion Tibia
And this is the third this year and for all!
This is Arianna, my daughter. They were several years that I was not one for her, but this year we really wanted and then I put a special surprise for sure that she is awaited. I decorated with hazelnuts and candied violets, I can not wait to see who will face.
Now I'm waiting for the doves end up proving, I hope do that soon, I want to rearrange the kitchen looks like a battlefield!
This is Arianna, my daughter. They were several years that I was not one for her, but this year we really wanted and then I put a special surprise for sure that she is awaited. I decorated with hazelnuts and candied violets, I can not wait to see who will face.
Now I'm waiting for the doves end up proving, I hope do that soon, I want to rearrange the kitchen looks like a battlefield!
Friday, March 21, 2008
The Santa Maria Ship Labeled
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Stop Cat From Eating Fake Christmas Tree
And the first one is done! Let's have a croissant
To this week only photos, I'm too tired, tomorrow I put the explanation step by step.
So, let's explain to those who have not ever done it makes a chocolate egg. First
buy good chocolate, the taste you choose it. This is milk chocolate.
photo 1) I put 600 grams of chocolate in the microwave and I melted at 750 ° only half, in fact you can still see whole pieces (with this method, we are sure that the temperature is between 40 ° and 45 °).
photo 2) After thorough mixing the chocolate has all melted (the temperature dropped to 33 ° -34 °) I added Mycryo (cocoa butter and dried micronized) in the ratio 1 / 10 compared to chocolate (In this case I added 6 grams of Mycryo). I mixed well to dissolve and mix well.
picture 3) I waited until the temperature falls to 29 ° in order to use the chocolate
photo 4) I've put 300 g in the mold making and spin I coated the entire interior. This work should last until the chocolate is thickened. If the environment is about 17 ° -18 ° (in fact I was down in the tavern where they almost never turn on the radiator) will take about 15 minutes (it must be colder than that because the chocolate thickens too quickly and would be a part very thick and very thin)
photos 5) The chocolate is gathering
photo 6) At this point I flipped the mold and I expected that the shell fell down. It took about two hours and a few well-aimed tap on the mold.
photo 7) photo 8) phase of the decoration. Previously I had prepared with stars and hearts of chocolate syrup colored with white plastic roses and I stick with a chocolate drop.
picture 9) I put the surprise in the shell! Important step, otherwise you'll have to re-open the egg (it happened to me once ...)
photo 10) Here I made a strip of parchment paper and I brush several times with the tempered chocolate, then when this is a bit 'thickened I wrapped the egg now assembled (I put the tempered chocolate at the edges well leveled and join the half)
with the strip, I waited for the chocolate indurisse and took out the paper. The same thing I did for the bow!
photo 11) the egg is finished! I called "egg funk" because it is a bit 'crazy like my granddaughter to which it is!
Happy Easter!
To this week only photos, I'm too tired, tomorrow I put the explanation step by step.
So, let's explain to those who have not ever done it makes a chocolate egg. First
buy good chocolate, the taste you choose it. This is milk chocolate.
photo 1) I put 600 grams of chocolate in the microwave and I melted at 750 ° only half, in fact you can still see whole pieces (with this method, we are sure that the temperature is between 40 ° and 45 °).
photo 2) After thorough mixing the chocolate has all melted (the temperature dropped to 33 ° -34 °) I added Mycryo (cocoa butter and dried micronized) in the ratio 1 / 10 compared to chocolate (In this case I added 6 grams of Mycryo). I mixed well to dissolve and mix well.
picture 3) I waited until the temperature falls to 29 ° in order to use the chocolate
photo 4) I've put 300 g in the mold making and spin I coated the entire interior. This work should last until the chocolate is thickened. If the environment is about 17 ° -18 ° (in fact I was down in the tavern where they almost never turn on the radiator) will take about 15 minutes (it must be colder than that because the chocolate thickens too quickly and would be a part very thick and very thin)
photos 5) The chocolate is gathering
photo 6) At this point I flipped the mold and I expected that the shell fell down. It took about two hours and a few well-aimed tap on the mold.
photo 7) photo 8) phase of the decoration. Previously I had prepared with stars and hearts of chocolate syrup colored with white plastic roses and I stick with a chocolate drop.
picture 9) I put the surprise in the shell! Important step, otherwise you'll have to re-open the egg (it happened to me once ...)
photo 10) Here I made a strip of parchment paper and I brush several times with the tempered chocolate, then when this is a bit 'thickened I wrapped the egg now assembled (I put the tempered chocolate at the edges well leveled and join the half)
with the strip, I waited for the chocolate indurisse and took out the paper. The same thing I did for the bow!
photo 11) the egg is finished! I called "egg funk" because it is a bit 'crazy like my granddaughter to which it is!
Happy Easter!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Words For Someone Who Is Stressed
E 'or not is International Women's Day? So this woman is the gift of a croissant, one of those special, they used to be and now are no longer even make the tour of Italy on foot.
Yet it is not difficult, just a little 'patience and a lot of desire to eat one ... or two ...
You start by making the dough: 250 g of flour dough we manitoba, 5 g of salt, 35 g sugar, 125 g of warm water in which we dissolve 10 g of yeast. Mix well, knead at least 10 minutes. We'll
ball with the dough and cut on a cross pattern. Cover bowl and let rise (doubling) at room temperature (20 ° approximately).
Open the dough with your hands stendiamola extending the 4 points of the cross and settle 125 g soft butter in the center (which should be a little 'thicker tails). Enclose your butter cover with 4 points. Roll out the dough gently so as not to leave the butter until it forms a rectangle (3x1) 1 cm high, fold the rectangle into three and after closing it in a bag we do it in the fridge for 30 minutes. At this point we turn the rectangle 90 degrees and Roll out again, again folded in three and away in the fridge for 30 minutes. Another way around and pasta is ready.
Roll out to 1 cm high and cut a strip set 15 cm high when cut into isosceles triangles. Roll up a triangle from the bottom and curviamolo slightly to give him the form of croissants (the tip of the triangle must be below). If you want to stuff the croissant with honey or jam is the time to put it: I put a tip at the base of the triangle and then rolled up (not too much else then comes out during cooking). When finished rolling, let the croissants rise until doubled in volume.
beat him in a small bowl a bit 'warm milk and egg yolk and with the help of a brush gently doriamo croissants before bake at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes.
To do a thing done well at this point is a good pastry cream (I did add some Mycryo ... slurp)
a sharp knife, cut the croissant for the length, stuffing it well and then ..... Fine.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Route Finders On Foot
There are three things that never fail to come out here in the sea: clams, sole, cuttlefish. All three special flavor and obviously fresh. The soles have just caught the slime on their skin and you can do in all ways, the best in my opinion is just cooked on the grill or fried clams are delicious, tasty, they know the sea, not as the most famous and "true " that being farmed do not know anything, the cuttlefish for their freshness are difficult to peel, but the skill of our fishmongers overcomes this impasse.
to me in many ways like the squid, cuttlefish and peas as the classic, to be eaten with polenta, or cuttlefish zimino, such as those made with peas, but with the beets, but I especially like au gratin. Condition of obligation that is not large, the more like a hand.
I prepare the bread crumbs first. Take 2-3 slices of bread Umbrian do it in the microwave to dry at max power (2-3 minutes are enough, depending on the size of the slices) and then chopped him well in the robot, I add a bit of garlic, a handful of parsley, 3 -4 sprigs of thyme (leaves only), salt it takes a macinatina pepper and blend well.
Then I put a sheet of parchment paper on baking sheet and slowly over us of thinly sliced \u200b\u200bpotatoes, sprinkle with the breadcrumbs that I'm prepared, place the squid, very distant from each other and also sprinkle with breadcrumbs, 2:00 to 3:00 speed and so generous oil at 200 degrees for 25-30 minutes. The time used depends on the pan and then the amount of food, the important thing is that the cuttlefish do not dry and we need to look again that does not darken the edges.
a moment I raise the grill to 220 degrees for the last doratina and off the table. Double
There are three things that never fail to come out here in the sea: clams, sole, cuttlefish. All three special flavor and obviously fresh. The soles have just caught the slime on their skin and you can do in all ways, the best in my opinion is just cooked on the grill or fried clams are delicious, tasty, they know the sea, not as the most famous and "true " that being farmed do not know anything, the cuttlefish for their freshness are difficult to peel, but the skill of our fishmongers overcomes this impasse.
to me in many ways like the squid, cuttlefish and peas as the classic, to be eaten with polenta, or cuttlefish zimino, such as those made with peas, but with the beets, but I especially like au gratin. Condition of obligation that is not large, the more like a hand.
I prepare the bread crumbs first. Take 2-3 slices of bread Umbrian do it in the microwave to dry at max power (2-3 minutes are enough, depending on the size of the slices) and then chopped him well in the robot, I add a bit of garlic, a handful of parsley, 3 -4 sprigs of thyme (leaves only), salt it takes a macinatina pepper and blend well.
Then I put a sheet of parchment paper on baking sheet and slowly over us of thinly sliced \u200b\u200bpotatoes, sprinkle with the breadcrumbs that I'm prepared, place the squid, very distant from each other and also sprinkle with breadcrumbs, 2:00 to 3:00 speed and so generous oil at 200 degrees for 25-30 minutes. The time used depends on the pan and then the amount of food, the important thing is that the cuttlefish do not dry and we need to look again that does not darken the edges.
a moment I raise the grill to 220 degrees for the last doratina and off the table. Double
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
How To Hack A Sidekick Lx Prepaid
Muffins baked biscuits wonderful superprofumati
The smell of these muffins I invaded the house. I would like to let you hear, but have not yet invented the olfactory transfer, so if you really want to hear about them you need to do. It does not take anything.
I took two small oranges, the kind that brought me my sister (along with two boxes of bitter orange marmalade ... ... to make us wonder who the skins? "I'm not sure, after 4 cassettes I got sent from Catania 2 years ago, I feel bad just thinking about it ...), I took short, these two small oranges, I took them to pieces with the skin and I whisked together the robot to 3 gr of sugar and 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil Trevi, then I added 3 egg yolks 1 teaspoon vanilla extract and I still shake. Then I mixed, in part, 150 g of starch with 150 g of flour 00 and 1 packet of yeast, I put the egg whites very well have continued with a pinch of salt and I poured the flour into the robot, whisking to mix well. Then pour a tablespoon at a time of this thick paste into the bowl of egg whites, stirring gently and putting the next only when the former was well blended. I took two molds for muffins (12 molds in all) and I poured the batter by the spoonful, making sure not to fill them all.
I baked at 200 degrees for 20 minutes, making the toothpick test. Once I baked frosted muffins with 125 g of icing sugar and 4 tablespoons of orange juice. We
in Lent, but cooking does not count right? Why I do not really know in order to be with the kitchen and the smell of detergent disturbs me.
The smell of these muffins I invaded the house. I would like to let you hear, but have not yet invented the olfactory transfer, so if you really want to hear about them you need to do. It does not take anything.
I took two small oranges, the kind that brought me my sister (along with two boxes of bitter orange marmalade ... ... to make us wonder who the skins? "I'm not sure, after 4 cassettes I got sent from Catania 2 years ago, I feel bad just thinking about it ...), I took short, these two small oranges, I took them to pieces with the skin and I whisked together the robot to 3 gr of sugar and 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil Trevi, then I added 3 egg yolks 1 teaspoon vanilla extract and I still shake. Then I mixed, in part, 150 g of starch with 150 g of flour 00 and 1 packet of yeast, I put the egg whites very well have continued with a pinch of salt and I poured the flour into the robot, whisking to mix well. Then pour a tablespoon at a time of this thick paste into the bowl of egg whites, stirring gently and putting the next only when the former was well blended. I took two molds for muffins (12 molds in all) and I poured the batter by the spoonful, making sure not to fill them all.
I baked at 200 degrees for 20 minutes, making the toothpick test. Once I baked frosted muffins with 125 g of icing sugar and 4 tablespoons of orange juice. We
in Lent, but cooking does not count right? Why I do not really know in order to be with the kitchen and the smell of detergent disturbs me.
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