The discovery of the archipelago is marked by several controversies. It was sighted by several expeditions in the years 1501, 1502 and 1503 and was given the name of Ilha da Quaresma (Lent Island). But the Vicomte de Santarem attributes the discovery to Gaspar de Lemos, captain of the mother ship of the fleet of Pedro Alvares Cabral, sent back to Portugal with the news of the discovery of Brazil. Modern historians, however, credited with the discovery of the archipelago expedition 1501 - 1502 conducted by the Portuguese Fernão de Noronha, where it is headed. The first to describe the archipelago of Fernando de Noronha was the Florentine navigator Amerigo Vespucci, in 1503.
was also the very troubled history of the archipelago: in 1534 the islands were invaded by the British Army, while between 1556 and 1612 was a French possession. In 1628 it was occupied by the Dutch, defeated two years later by a joint English-Portuguese military expedition under the command of Rui Borges chalazion.
The Dutch again seized the islands in 1635 to plant a hospital for their troops who had occupied the northeastern coast of Brazil. The island was renamed Pavonia, in honor of Michiel de Pauw, one of the directors of the Dutch West India Company. After another 20 years they were recaptured by the Portuguese.
In 1736, finding the islands uninhabited and completely abandoned, the French East India Company occupied it and renamed it Isle Dauphine. Only in 1737, with the expulsion of the French, the islands were permanently occupied by Portugal, which decided to fortify them. For this purpose, 10 forts were built at strategic points of the islands where it was expected that would happen a possible landing of the invaders: 9 were built on the main island and a sull'Ilha de São José. The forts were connected by stone roads.
In 1770 was founded the first permanent settlement, Vila dos Remedios. The village was divided into two parts: the upper half were administrative buildings, while the bottom half was the church with other religious buildings.
With the independence of Brazil from Portugal, made in 1822, things changed for the archipelago is not much. At the beginning of the twentieth century the British provide technical cooperation for the telegraph. Later, their place was taken by the French and Italian dell'Italcable.
In 1942, during World War II, the archipelago became a federal territory that included the Atol das Rocas and Arquipelago de São Pedro and São Paulo, and political and ordinary prisoners were sent to the local prison. In 1988 70% of the archipelago was declared a maritime national park, for preserve what was left of the terrestrial and marine.
On October 5, 1988, the federal territory was dissolved and added to the state of Pernambuco (except Rocas Atoll, which was added to the state of Rio Grande do Norte). Today
Fernando de Noronha's economy depends on tourism, regulated because of the sensitivity of its ecosystem. In 2001, the archipelago was listed as UNESCO World Heritage Site, along Rocas atoll.

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