Environmental Disaster and poisoning of water intended for human consumption are offenses related to the discovery of the largest illegal dump in Italy, discovered by forest in Abruzzo.

185 000 cubic meters of toxic and hazardous substances
were buried at 5-6 feet deep near
in Bussi (Pescara) in an area near the river Pescara.
There are chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, hexachloroethane,
trichlorethylene, trichlorobenzenes and heavy metals.
the early surveys, Forestry and prosecutors believe that the beginning
use of the land - in 1999
Montedison sold by a real estate company in Milan
always due to Montedison -
as a dump dates back to several decades ago, long before the establishment of
Solvay, which excludes
to reclaim the area need to remove the
240 000 tons of earth and the estimated cost of this operation
is around 58 million euro (at the time
do not know where to get). We will also need to find a safe
landfill (which is not leach into ground
other crap) and large enough to contain the
huge mass of land for disposal.
Environmental disaster and poisoning of water intended for human consumption
are offenses related to the discovery of
largest illegal dump in Italy, discovered by
forest in Abruzzo.
185 000 cubic meters of toxic and dangerous
were buried at 5-6 feet deep near
Bussi (Pescara) in an area near the river Pescara.
There are chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, hexachloroethane,
trichlorethylene, trichlorobenzenes and heavy metals.
the early surveys, Forestry and prosecutors believe that
the beginning of the use of the land - in 1999 sold a company Montedison by
Milan Real Estate
always due to Montedison - as landfill
dates back to several decades ago, long before the establishment of
Solvay, which excludes a
To clean up the area need to remove
240 000 tons of earth and the estimated cost of this operation
is around 58 million €
that when you do not know where to get.
We will also need to find a secure landfill (which do not leach into ground
other crap) and
large enough to hold the huge mass of land to be disposed
read here:
http:// www.crimeblog.it/post/720/lo-scandalo-della-discarica-tossica-montedison-in-abruzzo
http://www.tuttoabruzzo.it/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=13077&Itemid = 754
I believe that before a hurried reconstruction,
you ought to protect people's health and healthy water
that will have to drink for the next
years to build new houses on the rotten foundations,
toxic, carcinogenic and extremely dangerous, all-Italian
is madness that can not and should not be contemplated
We can not continue to hide the truth so
serious, and Montedison have to be processed and
absolutely must pay damages and environmental
be prosecuted for environmental disaster and
attack on public health of citizens.
also see the video and horrified because in two weeks
words and profiteering media,
no one has ever spoken, I hope
started to wonder why ...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTDomGRahro http://www.youtube.com/watch? v = 9A83boWKWLA & feature = related
VIVA FERRARA .. and then Milan .....................
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TRUTH 'uncomfortable ..........
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