The style horror romero Lombardi second feature Lorenzo Lombardi, a young director, writer and independent producer Italian, born in Arezzo in 1986, which has already implemented the feature Life's But - Life is nothing but ...
in 2006, participated Name 7397 the 62nd Venice International Film Festival and other festivals, and founded a film production company, the
. This his second opera, scheduled in late October at the Nuovo Cinema Aquila in Rome and presented in international festivals, belongs to two genres: el'horror the road movie. In the first part of the narrative film is a road movie that stars three boys, David, Sarah and Nicol, traveling in a jeep with small engines apparently aimlessly, but actually directed at the concert of the GTO. In the second part, with the arrival at the supermarket, where the boys decide to stay, turns into a horror film starring the cannibal butcher - played by Ottaviano Blitch - appeared early in the first frame, they reveal only the feet - like Tarantino's Pulp Fiction Mia - the mouth, which ironically wisely and eat fruit, and hands, already stained with blood.
Between the two, however, that horror is much better constructed and represented: the interpretation of the actors and the story is more convincing than the original and more empathetic (drives that will surely raise the hand of David in the meat grinder machine or a fork and the knife on the leg of Nicole). You'll always come to the construction of the horror genre through the emotional climax of the three boys, first gay then isolated and terrified, and through the presence of warning signs (the reading of the cards by the seer, the phone lines strangely isolated, with the seance the flicker funeral), but since the first frames, when it appears only the mouth of the butcher, ironically at the counter of the fruit with their hands stained with blood, the viewer perceives that the final film will have a horror story.
Between the two, however, that horror is much better constructed and represented: the interpretation of the actors and the story is more convincing than the original and more empathetic (drives that will surely raise the hand of David in the meat grinder machine or a fork and the knife on the leg of Nicole). You'll always come to the construction of the horror genre through the emotional climax of the three boys, first gay then isolated and terrified, and through the presence of warning signs (the reading of the cards by the seer, the phone lines strangely isolated, with the seance the flicker funeral), but since the first frames, when it appears only the mouth of the butcher, ironically at the counter of the fruit with their hands stained with blood, the viewer perceives that the final film will have a horror story.

In The Market has an excellent photography, which refers to many music videos, particularly those with their own set and shot in the supermarket, as
Fake Plastic Trees by Radiohead. However, many are also present film quotes: from Tarantino (close-ups of feet, reading Bible verses, scenes pulp), the Coen (the horror of the American province in the movie Fargo with the emblematic scene of the foot in the meat grinder ) Dario Argento (especially
Zombi - Dawn of the Dead by Romero , set just at a supermarket in the same Silver and edited the script) and last Pasolini's Salò or the 120 Days of Sodom .
It 's a more philosophical horror splatter style Romero: a complaint - unfortunately never dated - ironic and biting on the approved company (hence the choice of supermarket just like Romero's zombies attacking the society consumption) that swallows, as also stated in the subtitle of the film Eat or be eaten, using the human body and then on the last frontier of horror: the disintegration of the body.
Alessandro Alfonsi
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