We're almost there, the final preparations to better organize and buffet lunches. I propose today a light meal and very delicious, especially for those who love the artichokes. I used the most part good, heart, preparing a fragrant pesto that adds fresh pasta and wraps and giving it a velvety pumpkin with its color gives joy to the table.
70 grams of semolina flour
30 grams of 00 flour 1 egg
6 fresh artichokes
3 spring onions
Grated cheese
toasted almonds or walnuts
Sift the two flours, place a fountain, peel an egg and mix with flour, creating a paste that you will stand half an hour. After the interval, rolling dough using the machine and then review the puff pastry for another size queens.
Depriving the outer leaves of artichokes, cut the heart of the artichoke into 4 pieces and soak it in water with lemon to prevent tarnish. Slice the onions and season with olive oil in a pan, add the sliced \u200b\u200bartichoke hearts, parsley and salt. Skip over high heat and deglaze with white wine. Cover and cook by adding little water. Blend artichokes in a blender, adding a handful of pine nuts, basil leaves and olive oil. Make a pumpkin cubes in olive oil and season and cook a few minutes.
Bring to boil salt water, dip the queens, and after a few minutes pulling them up and add to the pesto artichoke adding ladles of broth and pumpkin. Complete the dish with parsley, grated cheese to taste and chopped toasted almonds or walnuts.
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