The fruits of the earth and sea meet to give us extraordinary flavors and fragrances, which always find when I make this delicious dish of Sicilian cuisine. There are several variations of this recipe. In western Sicily you use a long pasta shape, the pasta. In eastern Sicily prevails the short one.
The typical taste of fennel and that of sardines is enhanced by the sweet taste of raisins and pine nuts, yellow gold, saffron, and the addition of breadcrumbs that completes the dish with a smell wonderful thanks its roasting in olive oil.
250 g cataneselle
200-300 grams of fresh sardines boned
500 grams of fennel
1 packet saffron
3 onions news
2 tablespoons pine nuts 2 tablespoons
half a tablespoon of tomato paste
Olive oil Salt
Clean the sardines, open a book and bone. Rinse and chop. Carefully wash the fennel, after removing the stalks harder, boil in salted water. Drain, keeping aside the cooking liquid, and chop finely. Chop the onions, and season them in a pan, with plenty of oil oil. Add the sardines, stirring constantly. Combine the pine nuts, raisins, tomato paste and fennel, a pinch of salt and pour a ladle of cooking water, and cook a few minutes, until the liquid evaporates. Bring to boil the water from the fennel, add a sachet of saffron and plunge the pasta. Drain the pasta and finish cooking in the sauce, serving it with toasted bread crumbs with olive oil before.
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